The Next Pandemic Is Here…EWS

It was a matter of when not if. The next pandemic to be declared by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has been widely documented in the U.S. and given the moniker, EWS or Eyes Wide Shut.

The symptoms of EWS start with blurred vision then quickly digress into complete loss of sight. The blurred vision is accompanied by a condition that hardens the heart and leads to a loss of hearing as well. In other words, Eyes Wide Shut (EWS) leaves the victim deaf and dumb.

No one seems to be immune to the rapidly spreading condition. EWS does not respect race, creed, sex or religious belief. EWS has been documented in atheists, Christians, men, women and all races. The disease appears to spread rapidly.

The initial symptoms manifested in suburban school districts but have now spread to inner cities like Chicago and New York. Some of the earliest reported cases involve parents showing a preference for their children to be educated and not indoctrinated with sexual perversions. Historically deemed a no-brainer, when teachers and school administrators labeled these parents as racist and homophobes the CDC went on alert.

Billions of dollars being sent to defend the borders of a foreign country while allowing illegal immigration on the southern border of the United States has spread the pandemic. Initially, cases were reported in Texas, Arizona and Florida. Towns complained they were being overwhelmed by illegals but no one seemed to care or SEE the resulting devastation. This past week Chicago and New York revealed their cities are suffering from the infected as well. Residents are voicing their displeasure and concerns with the influx of illegals. Leaders in these communities have been infected and refuse to see what is in plain sight.

The release of the Durham report this past week reveals the initial pandemic infection began years ago in the inner sanctums of Washington. The Executive branch, FBI, CIA, NSA, State Department, DOJ all spread the disease to various American Universities and medical associations. The NIH and U.S. Board of Education have their Eyes Wide Shut as well. Republicans, Democrats, Independents are all infected. EWS has spread from coast to coast and even deeper.

EWS effects the eyes, ears, heart and soul of it’s victims. Jews were warned about EWS 700 years before Christ was born. Christ followers were warned this pandemic would show no partiality. When speaking about the people infected, Jesus repeated the Old Testament prophet Isaiah to describe the infected…”For this people’s heart has become calloused: they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.” Matthew 13:15.

Advanced EWS takes away what is in plain sight. It robs victims of the ability to see and hear bank records showing money laundering schemes involving tens of millions of dollars. EWS steals what was once common sense and dulls the remaining senses.

Similar to how Covid effected some groups disproportionately, EWS MAY appear more acute in the Christian community. Many Evangelicals believe in a phenomenon referred to as the rapture. In this scenario, Christians are whisked up into the air when Christ returns to Earth. This causes many ‘believers’ to harden their hearts and close their eyes to conditions that don’t currently effect their lives or pocketbooks. Target is selling pro-trans buttons saying ‘Satan respects pronouns’ and ‘Cure Transphobia’ sweatshirts down the street from your church but….EWS is blinding.

It appears many believers suffer from EWS when they do not see themselves being directly persecuted. Obviously, this subgroup doesn’t consider 60 million aborted babies as offensive or antithetical to Christ’s teachings. Some ‘believers’ keep their Eyes Wide Shut when visiting theme parks promoting transgender characters in movies and books.

Today, many are being told that truth is an oppressive tool of white supremacy, that Christian morality is tyrannical nationalism and discriminatory against pedophiles and other sexual perverts. Biden even told a graduating class of an HBCU that white people are the greatest threat to America…and the aftermath is silence. EWS is rampant when the young and educated can’t see and hear propaganda for what it is. I’m afraid this was a super spreader event.

BUT…there is GREAT news. We can rest assured there is a day when EWS will be cured and no one will be effected ever again. ‘”Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “EVERY eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen’ Revelation 1:17. When Christ returns, ALL eyes will be wide open and EWS eradicated.

A disease and cultural eclipse is overtaking America in the form of EWS. There is ONE vaccine to cure the disease. Get vaccinated with the Holy Spirit as soon as possible.

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