It was in this light that I read the Pope’s comments after the priest in France had his throat cut. I’m not Catholic, but I recognize Biblical wisdom. The Pope’s comments focused on the fact the world is at war and there is a battle to master and control men. The Pope said it quite bluntly.
“The world is at war because it has lost peace,” he said.
“There is a war of interest, there is a war for money, a war for natural resources, a war to dominate people,” he continued.
He specifically noted there is a war for money. That speaks loudly to me and rings true. There has always been war for money, that’s not new. But, in 2016 the war for money is front and center in your house…in the cost of your kids college education increasing despite no inflation, the price of your groceries and healthcare going up, the interest rate you don’t get paid on your savings due to zero interest rate policies by the Central Bank, the cost of debt if you miss a payment or two on your credit card because your credit rating is a player in the war for money.
The face of money is changing right before our very eyes as well. Digital currencies, Bitcoin and the disappearance of cash in general. There is a movement to remove the $100 bill from circulation which represents around 70% of all cash in the system. There are new currencies and world currencies being issued by nations and central banks including China (ever heard of the SDR)?? Not to mention what is yet to come. At some point the book of Revelation talks about a particular “mark” you will need just to buy and sell.
Christians may need a new understanding of money and the war that surrounds it. Christians do need a Biblical mindset and understanding of what money is and what Christ taught about it. Jesus taught money reveals your heart….and the heart of those who battle and war for it. Jesus said you need to focus on the owner of all things (money) and not just your stewardship of them. Jesus said the only way to do that is by asking Him with each financial decision…pray about every financial decision. There is more to understanding money than staying out of debt and tithing.
Money is NOT evil and it is necessary for everyday living. Paul reminded believers in the book of Ephesians, that we don’t battle against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities. It appears the current war for money is being waged by institutions and sovereigns….or is it? If we continue to use our “old” wisdom and understanding of money and war, I am afraid we will not see or understand the new war that is going on around us with and for money…and in turn, our souls.