Attitude Reflects Leadership


Every 4 years each citizen of the United States gets a chance to focus on the Presidential leadership of our nation. Each election gives us the chance to CHOOSE our leaders. This year is particularly interesting.

In the movie, Remember the Titans, there was a defining moment where the players started to come together and develop as a team. The two team leaders focused on how their differences and lack of leadership were driving them apart. One of the players summed it up, “Attitude reflects leadership.”

If we only look to politicians and elections for leadership it’s no wonder there is so much discord and animosity in our country. Watch a debate, listen to a press conference. Our attitudes reflect our national leadership and both are becoming progressively worse. Our attitudes reflect our hearts and that is more telling.

This election season is a good time to evaluate the leadership in your LIFE as well as our nation. Your attitude, your actions and your words reflect your leadership. Every American needs to decide WHO is leading them. Every man, woman and child needs to evaluate what leadership they WANT to direct and affect their attitude and lives.

Attitude has always reflected leadership. We are a nation founded on Judaeo-Christian principles with the emphasis on an individual’s freedom of religion. Regardless of our founding fathers political party or faith, they didn’t point to themselves as the be all end all. The first elected officials pointed our country to God’s divine leadership of our nation. They reminded us to look somewhere besides Washington for guidance.

Don’t believe that? Just read a small excerpt from the original Thanksgiving Proclamation written by George Washington in 1789. “Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor…” (full text below). Talk about politically incorrect. We have come so far as a nation but are we heading in the right direction? It’s time to vote for leadership in more ways than with a ballot.

I believe Jesus was the ultimate role model for leadership. His style can be seen in Mark 10:51, “What do you want me to do for you?” That question should still echo in the hearts of believers and all Americans. True leadership comes from the attitude of a servant’s heart. Leadership should be based on a love for those you are leading, not a disdain.

Can YOU answer His question? What DO you want from your leader? Don’t mistake the question to be “What do you need?” Too many people and politicians confuse wants and needs. The reality is most of us don’t think we NEED anything. That’s another topic completely. Most people believe they can take care of their own needs.

Is your leadership asking “what can I do for you?” Far too many leaders don’t pay attention to the difference between what you want them to do and what they think you need. If they were to ask the right question, what’s your answer. What DO you want your leadership to do for you? Maybe you want them to give you things or maybe you want them to change things. Better yet, can your leaders actually bring about change?

Change is a popular word right now. We want to change circumstances, change leadership, change direction, change churches, change other people. But, you have to be willing for change to start with you. You have to be willing to let your leadership change you. There is only one leader who can change your heart. There is only one leader who has your best interest at heart, one leader you can trust. And he’s not a Republican or a Democrat.


So, what was Christ’s attitude and leadership style? According to Paul, “he made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant….he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross.” Phil 2:6-8. If HE is your leader and your attitude reflects your leadership, you should stick out like a sore thumb. If everyone who claims to be led by Christ reflected His leadership then the world should be a radically different place.

Once you decide on the leadership you want, check your attitude and actions to see if the reflection represents your choice. Or should you decide what kind of attitude you want and choose your leadership based on their style and the reflection of his or her followers? Is it the chicken or the egg?

Either way, know that YOU also influence and lead others around you. Check out the attitudes of the people who follow you. More than likely their attitudes are reflecting you and your leadership. Do you like what you see?


In November we decide on the leadership for our country. We need to remember that our nation and our attitudes will reflect our leadership. We need our votes and our hearts to speak loudly and clearly. We need our lifestyle and actions to represent who leads our heart not just our nation.

We choose a President next month. The choice for who leads your life is today. Who IS leading your life and your heart? Make sure YOUR leader is asking the right questions. Be certain he or she has the right answers and will truly implement the change you desire.

Attitude reflects leadership. Who’s leadership is YOUR attitude reflecting…a Democrat, a Republican, or your God?


Make It Right


“Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But, I’m still waiting”

The words penned by the Dixie Chicks back in 2009 were prescient then and now. Everyone has experienced a broken relationship and can relate. Odds highly favor, you are either coming out of or in the middle of a broken or strained relationship. Relationships between allies, countries, families, couples and friends are in a fragile state.

The problem isn’t always that we have been wronged. We have started letting our differences become issues that can break and divide us. We seem to have stopped focusing on what unites us and are letting the differences wound and break our relations. We need reconciliation across the board and the globe.

Reconciliation means to re-establish a relationship. The songwriters above said it bluntly, “I’m not ready to make nice. I can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should.” The bumper sticker says, “CoExist”. Being on the same planet with each other is easy. Living in harmony is more difficult. Reestablishing relations with each other is the most difficult.


Someone has to set the example and show the way. Political leaders say they will cross the aisle but only give it lip service. Married couples stay together and ignore the problem for the sake of the kids. Siblings decide to only see each other at holidays. Organizations fire the problem and hire someone else. Church members start attending a few miles away. The government slaps a company on the wrist with a fine. Folks, this isn’t dealing with a problem and reconciling an issue, it’s running from it and kicking the can down the road.

Christians have to take it a step further and are held to a much higher standard. Christians are told to skip the band aid and heal the wound. “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the alter and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the alter. First, go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23.

Scripture says to be concerned that a brother has something against YOU. The song lyrics highlighted part of the problem…I,I,I. If it’s all about me then I will be more prone to break away from you for the slightest of reasons. It’s much easier if I’m only concerned with my part of the equation. But, if God has given us “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18) then it’s another story.

God wants to use you to make an appeal to each other with a message of reconciliation. “And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” Ephesians 5:19. “Committed’ doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room. He also made it a blanket reconciliation. Don’t just reconcile with those who really put the hurt on you. Don’t reconcile only when it’s convenient. If you’ve ever wondered what your purpose or ministry is, start with reconciliation.


Our differences don’t have to harm each other. You don’t need a safe zone just because you are different from someone else. External, worldly differences should not divide. Don’t regard anyone from a worldly point of view, that’s in 2nd Corinthians as well. Don’t see each other as a Democrat or Republican, gay or straight, tatted up or not. Listen and LOOK for the heart. See the spirit and hear the love, or lack of.

Families are dividing over politics. Marriages are breaking up because spouses won’t reconcile with their past. It’s no longer a particular grievance or wrong against us, it’s a principle or a choice we don’t agree with. It’s not just the color of your skin anymore. We are too quick to view each other from a
worldly perspective and not an eternal one. If we don’t reconcile with our differences the consequences are far reaching for all parties involved.

We are “being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” Ephesians 2:22. If we are just ignoring and putting off the issues that keep us from reestablishing relations with each other, aren’t we just ignoring and putting off God? You may have made an eternal decision for your soul but do your actions show it? Do your relationships prove or disprove it?

Let’s make it real simple. Look at the metrics of your relationships. Do you have more or less relationships today than last year? Are your current relationships with people who only support your beliefs, candidates and lifestyle? Have you broken and not reestablished relations with people who didn’t perform the way you wanted them to? Who and what do you NEED to reconcile with? A person, a group, a church, your God?

The lyrics in the song continue…
“It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could”

Don’t let these be the lyrics of your life. Make sure your relationships reflect your heart and your beliefs. Write the lyrics of your life everyday. It’s NEVER too late to make it right. It’s never too late to reconcile.


Power Of Words

A flood is normally associated with water, but have you noticed the flood of words these days? There are more words in circulation today than ever before. If we could correlate the words being spewed on a daily basis to the pollen count, everyone should stay inside for a while.

There are more television channels with more programming full of more words than in the history of media. Political leaders and CEO’s make speeches that last longer. There are more books and blogs with words than in all recorded history. A lot of the words being used don’t seem to build up and encourage as much as they tear down and discourage.

As we all know, words are powerful. Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can kill and destroy. The power of words is not disputed and can not be changed. Amidst all the wars that exist, the war WITH words and ON words is raging.

If you want to know the origin and power of words, look no further than the 3rd verse in the first book of the Bible. “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.” Genesis 1:3. An omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God spoke creation into existence with words. He didn’t have to speak but He chose to use words and therefore showed us their power. He then chose to give man the same power of speech to use. Granted, there was something behind those words…and that’s just the point. Words mean something, words represent something. Words are powerful.

Just like the recipient of any gift, the question is what you do with the gift. What are YOU doing with this powerful gift you’ve been given?

I know what the world is doing with words. The world is opening the floodgates and increasing the supply. It is in the midst of this flood that words can lose their impact and YOUR attention. But can words lose their meaning…can their meaning actually change?

Wikipedia is a widely accepted source that is ever so slightly and constantly evolving the definition of a word. The new approach is that if you can change the meaning of a word you can lessen it’s power and effect by dilution. This can also increase the risk of using words effectively and efficiently. If the definition is in flux, maybe you can adapt the word and be a little less careful in what you say.

Sorry folks, don’t buy that one. “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken.” Matthew 12:36. Every one, huh? The letters in red can’t be misunderstood. This warning reminds us that the best economy is an economy of words. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don’t be careless with your words, you’re on video.

In a world where everyone is running off at the mouth it can be tough to listen and hear what is being said. The more words that are used can also make it difficult to understand and care what is actually being said. Amidst the rubble of an avalanche of words it can be tough to differentiate between the truth and a lie. Sometimes I wonder if that’s not part of the plan.

The number of words has increased like dollar bills in circulation. In turn, the number of words has been so inflated it can make those words less valuable. Less valuable for you to listen to also. Scarcity makes a thing more valuable. People confuse a decrease in perceived value with a loss of power and effect. This my friends, is illusion and perception, not reality. But, maybe this causes you to disengage in some conversations and speak less.

It is critical to remember that speech and words are gifts from God given only to those at the top of the food chain. Are you being a good steward of this gift? Are you using the gift for it’s intended purpose or have you forgotten why you were given the gift of words? Have you forgotten the intent and power of this gift?

Christians in particular can become passive with their words and remain quiet. You may not want to risk offending or being chastised for the belief behind your words. What happens next is you don’t share your faith, you don’t call out sin as sin, or speak up for what you know and believe. Don’t kid yourself, silence can be perceived as approval and acceptance. Be careful in what you say and what you don’t say.


Paul spoke to this dilemma in Ephesians 6:11-12, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them….But everything exposed by the light becomes visible,..” God wants people to take a stand for what He says is right. Christians must lovingly speak out for what is truth.

We are in a place and time that the world around us is flooded with noise and useless chatter. We are surrounded by voluminous words that are spoken with anger to hurt and wound. It is incumbent upon every believer to stand firm and speak out.

Don’t be a part of the flood, but don’t run from the battle. Our words carry weight. Our words can change and shape the world. Jesus said, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” John 15:7.

Our words are a powerful force given to us for a purpose. They also come with a promise. Use them appropriately.

Quantifying Data and Dollars


How do you see and determine God’s presence and favor with people and organizations? The Christianese response is to look for the fruit of the spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.” The fruit of the Spirit is the by-product of Christ’s control. Do YOU look for those characteristics and qualities or do you look for something else?

Too many times we look to determine God’s favor and direction by trying to quantify the success of a person or a ministry. When we look to quantify we run into numbers. So, how and what do we quantify? Attendees…Hands raised…heads bowed…tears shed? Can you measure lives changed? How about a balance sheet showing cash? How do we know where He is working without using numbers?

We live in a world that loves numbers. Businesses love numbers. Six straight quarters of falling profits for the companies in the S&P 500, QE4, a 53.3% chance of an interest rate cut by December. Sports love numbers as seen in batting averages, quarterback rankings and contract terms and figures. The educational system focuses on numerical grades to represent material learned and retained. Churches count attendees at an event or people baptized to represent effectiveness of a ministry.

Christ used numbers all the time. In 2016, we swim in a sea of numbers to help us see more clearly, understand, judge and discern. But, when numbers become dollar signs the context can quickly change.


The book of Luke recalls a story Jesus told about the one lost sheep. There was rejoicing over the ONE sheep found in comparison to the 99 who were not lost. That wouldn’t look so good on a spreadsheet would it? The time and energy to save one sheep was encouraged and justified. Was that really a good use of the shepherd’s time? What about the risk of the 99 as opposed to the 1?

Numbers in heavenly terms aren’t the same as worldly terms. In the current day of budget cuts and data driven “evidence based” results, we need to be careful how much emphasis is placed on what kind of numbers. When numbers represent a drive for donations in dollars, things can get even more twisted.

In John 12 Judas chastised Mary for taking a pint of pure nard and pouring it on Jesus’ feet. Judas made the point that the perfume was equal to one year’s wages and a waste to use in that fashion. But, Jesus commended her act, not condemned it. Obviously he didn’t have the same attitude with numbers as Judas. Is that because the numbers were equated to money and not the heart?

What about the time with the fish and loaves and feeding the 10-20 thousand on the hillside? The disciples quantified the need at 8 month’s of wages and quickly recommended sending them away because the numbers didn’t justify the expense. Jesus quickly pointed out that what needed to be done didn’t need a data analysis or a dollar figure. Jesus taught the disciples they were dealing with a spiritual issue that could be solved in another way.

When we try to quantify everything in terms of money it can reveal a heart issue as much or more than a numbers issue. Contributors can get caught up in the effectiveness of their donations as opposed to simply following the lead of the Holy Spirit. So, how do we discern where to allocate our fiscal assets? Prayer is the answer, not the return on your investment by conventional facts and figures.

In the story of a wealthy young guy, Jesus made the point in spades. “‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus replied, ‘no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields-and with them persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Mark 10:29-31.

Christ didn’t say figure out the best rate of return on your assets and give accordingly. In this parable he said to evaluate your heart and not the data. Christ recommended that only following the data could reveal your heart. Jesus taught that if you truly give it up for Him and His gospel, your return will be a hundred fold. You don’t need to see past performance to indicate future returns. Just follow his Spirit and leave the consequences to Him.


In fact with the rich young ruler, Christ taught that money can be an issue even when we don’t think it is. When quantifying becomes money it’s a slippery slope and reveals the heart. Many who are first will be last, and the last first. He reminded us that pride, ego and position can lurk behind our analysis. Can it be behind yours and you don’t even know it? Don’t risk losing the one opportunity He is leading you towards because the 99 is a bigger number.

There are many ministries and people that need your dollars and cents. Wisdom and discernment are necessary. Some of these ministries can show you data more compelling than others. Some people may look and act like Mary and her pint of nard. Be led by the Spirit, not the data. Don’t make the data a litmus test. Pray and follow the Holy Spirit any time money is involved.

Every financial decision is a spiritual decision. Consult the Spirit not just the data.

Ch Ch Changes

Change. Change means surrendering the old and embracing the new. We’ve become accustomed to accepting change partly because it is inevitable. We even desire and need change. Our leaders champion change. David Bowie told us to “turn and face the strange, ch ch changes.” But is change always for the best? It depends on where change comes from, what we do with it and what it does to us.

We have talked about the SDR (basket of currencies) being an instrument that has been around for almost 45 years, but is only starting to change the monetary landscape and gain wider visibility. The majority of people don’t know or care about this change, even though they should. If I were to remind you of the changes in control of the internet more ears would perk up because it might impact your daily life.

So, let me remind you that starting October 1, the U.S. administration that has been controlling the internet since it’s inception (reference Al Gore) is being turned over to a new organization. This change will move control of the internet from a group in the United States to a group administered by the United Nations. This change in control and influence is reflective of many changes taking place, most of which are not garnering much press and attention from the average man and woman.

Where does a shift in control of the internet, which is so integral to our daily lives, even originate? Some might argue that socioeconomic and political change is a result of the adjustment to the control and flow of capital. You may find that a stretch, but entertain the idea. The massive changes taking place within the international monetary system could support that belief. In common language, money makes the world go around. It’s all about the Benjamins. The golden rule is whoever has the gold makes the rules. Change is and has been rampant in these areas if you will notice. If this theory is true, we should expect more changes that affect our everyday lives.

As we have talked about, people rarely discern whats going on and don’t care until it becomes flesh on their bones. If the flow of ideas and information is controlled isn’t your heart and mind affected? In less than two weeks the internet will be governed and controlled by a non-elected body that includes nations like China and Russia. Maybe now you should start to pay attention to changes in interest rates, currency values, reserve currencies and national deficits…maybe not.

Christians in particular need to remember the words of John in 1st John 5;19-20, “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.” Hhhhmmmm. The whole world under the control of the evil one?

It’s not popular or comforting to think that the whole world is under the control of the evil one is it? And it’s not popular to point out that man made institutions, sovereign nations and administrative bodies are representatives of the world, not God or his Son. Another thing to remember is that monetary institutions like the Fed (Federal Reserve), the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) exist and function to regulate and control the flow of money. And let’s never forget there is nothing more of this world than money.

Money is not bad, evil or wrong. Period. But as Jesus pointed out in Mark 12;16-17, money is of the world and represents worldly kingdoms, not heavenly kingdoms. “They brought the coin and he asked them, ‘Whose image is this? And whose inscription?’ ‘Caesar’s,’ they replied. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.'”

It is important to notice change, the type of change, where it comes from and therefore understand the intent and nature of the change. When you see changes in monetary policies (interest rate moves, abnormal currency fluctuations, ect..) whose intent is to control the flow of money, understand that’s just the beginning of changes that WILL affect you in some form or fashion. Yesterday’s monetary changes can be today’s political and internet changes. If this is true, what other changes are yet to manifest and hit the headlines?

As many changes take place around us we need to be aware of where it is coming from and the intent of the change we are seeing. Is your change coming from the world around you or from above? It’s a great time to take stock of your head and heart. How HAVE you changed, how do you WANT to change and how are world events changing you?

The seasons are changing. I’ve enjoyed the summer and fall is in the air. Winter is around the corner.