Risk Versus Reward

We live in a world full of risk. By that, I mean the probability exists that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen. It is a given; a fact. Risk also involves exposure to danger and the increase or decrease in probability of a given outcome. Consciously and unconsciously we monitor and try to limit our exposure to risk. But are we practicing risk aversion in our spiritual lives as well?

When risk is mentioned most people think about life and health insurance or market exposure with their stocks. We try to control risk, hedge against it, and buy protection from it. There is a cost, but in paying the cost we hope to limit downside exposure to negative and catastrophic events in life. I’m afraid the probability for spiritual growth in many American Christians is limited due to risk aversion and hedging in their spiritual lives. Let’s face it, following Christ is risky business and to varying degrees we all know it’s true.

Christ may be “gentle and humble in heart” and his yoke may be “easy and my burden light”, but that was for followers who were all in. Jesus didn’t preach hedging your faith to avoid the unpleasant or unwelcome events. He didn’t recommend balancing your exposure to worldly danger or trying to avoid extreme or negative outcomes in this life. Quite to the contrary. “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:25. We love the American lifestyle so much we hedge against losing it. Every hedge costs something. Do you know what the cost to your faith really is?

This fleshes out when you or someone you know takes a mission trip to Ethiopia or Venezuela or anywhere outside the U.S. Believers come back on fire and refreshed. They see Christians in other parts of the world who don’t hedge their faith because they can’t hedge their faith…they are truly “sold out” and “all in” with Jesus. They HAVE to depend on Him for their daily bread, to stay alive or to protect their children. Mission trips remind you people elsewhere have a much more active and growing faith. Since we think we don’t need Him for that daily provision, our hearts can be hedged into a maze and our actions will follow.

In America, our affluence and influence can make our faith culturally irrelevant to our everyday lives. We know this but to change anything requires we take on more risk. In turn, we hedge eternity and our spiritual growth by only going to church occasionally, saying a hollow prayer asking for His blessing, writing a tithe check that meets a percentage but isn’t sacrificial or doing a Saturday morning “serve” in our spare time.

We hedge our commitment to our faith because to do otherwise might dictate a sacrifice of our lifestyle. If our daily needs are met, why NOT hedge our faith with the world that provides it? There is no draw to focus on verses that make us think otherwise. James 4:4 says, “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God?” Who needs the risk that proposes?

Hedging is under scrutiny and attack everywhere. Politicians across the globe have felt this in spades. In the investment industry hedge funds don’t fully commit to being long or short, they hedge positions to protect themselves. Oh, yeah, that business model dies more every day. Although many will argue hedging and risk aversion is wise, it’s NOT with your spiritual life. The words in red remind us again, “So, because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:16.

American Christians have too many distractions, too many hedges in their lives. As we get older we are reminded that our bodies are in a constant state of decline that require disciplined exercise and attention. Faith is the same way. It requires discipline to stay in shape as well. You’re either having your faith tested and worked out or you’re in a state of spiritual decline. There is no pause in the spiritual life, only perseverance.

Perseverance means remaining diligent and steadfast in doing something despite difficulty or delay. Perseverance doesn’t get a hedge to mitigate the unpleasant or difficult. And, it rewards for being convicted and committed regardless of the risk. It’s good to remember that perseverance is also tied directly to faith. “…because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish it’s work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1: 3-4.

So the reward of not hedging your faith may yield unpleasant trials and tribulations, but it delivers perseverance. When perseverance finishes it’s deal you are complete, not lacking anything. Dang, I don’t want to hedge against a full return of not lacking anything. If I hedge that, I WILL end up lacking some things…and I probably don’t get to choose what those things will be.

We need to be reminded that a loving Father who has EVERYTHING at His disposal, is NOT something we should hedge against. Our culture of affluence and influence and our desire to avoid the risks and worries of the rest of the world can present problems. We all remember the seed cast on soil that is full of distractions and thorns. “The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.” Matthew 13:22.

In your desire to hedge against the risk you want to avoid, don’t hedge against the risks you should take. Your faith needs to be tested. Your faith needs risk. The rewards are worth it.

Ready, Set…Judge

Have you heard the one about the three college guys who started using girl’s pictures (without their consent) on line to allow everyone to judge their appearance from 1 to 10? No, they weren’t derided as misogynists. No, they weren’t castigated in the media. The guys turned it into a public company and were rewarded with a $340 billion market capitalization. Billionaires were made from playing into people’s natural inclination to judge and be judged.

In 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer genius Mark Zuckerberg began work on an idea he had that eventually turned into the global social network known as Facebook. The original concept centered around posting photos of female students and allowing site visitors to rate their attractiveness. We’ve been judging and being judged since the beginning of time. In 2016 you can become rich, famous or castigated for judging. The difference may ironically lie in how others judge you.

Research shows that within 3 seconds a first impression is formed. Once that impression becomes an opinion, it’s very difficult to change. In turn, opinions are formed from your physical looks, posture, mannerisms, how you dress, tone of voice, pace of speech and a litany of other attributes. All within seconds to a few minutes, an impression is formed and too often a judgement is made from the opinion.

Although impressions and opinions may happen quickly, judgement should be given time. If for no other reason than things change. Without the benefit of time to see a full body of work, quick judgement can be rash, harsh and too often, wrong. A slanted post on Facebook, a rumor spread on a website, or a flippant comment can make you pass a quick judgement. We need to slow down. James 1:19 says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” Sounds like advice your parents should have given you.

Opinions and impressions come naturally. We all want people to view us favorably. We should give others the benefit of doubt as well. Favoritism and judgement may come as naturally as breathing, but they can be a slippery slope. And, they can change over time.

James grew up in the house with Jesus. They had a different dad but they were family. James penned the first book of the Bible written after Christ died. A lifetime of being around Jesus and he didn’t really buy into his brothers deity until AFTER Jesus rose from the dead. Seeing someone walk and talk after 3 days without a pulse can change your judgement of them.

James hit the issues of HIS day AND ours head on. He bluntly spoke the truth and didn’t mince words with fellow believers. “My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism” James 2:1. When you have favorites or a litmus test and preconceptions about people, you “discriminate among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts.”

In Matthew 7:1-2 the letters in red say, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” That should be reason for caution. Don’t be quick to judge how someone looks, their politics, sexuality, religious beliefs, or character because of their financial means… you name it. It’s not how you judge things to be as much as the fact that you MAKE yourself the judge…and jury.

It takes one to know one. Everyone who has chosen to read this far has the vein of judgmentalism in them. The people who didn’t want to read on this subject have the same inclinations but maybe the subject felt too much like a mirror. We are ALL guilty of judging but not wanting to be judged. It comes natural. We are wired to judge. But like most of our wiring, it’s what we DO with it that matters the most.

How can we be so quick to judge others without looking long and hard into the mirror? Jesus got down and dirty in Luke 6:42. “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Hypocrisy is alive and well in 2016. I’m afraid judgement is like a wildfire out of control.

Facebook is but one example where we try to CONTROL people’s impressions and judgements. In a world where everyone is so quick and harsh in their judgement, I get it! We don’t post our problems, our shortcomings, our bad pictures. If we did, people might not judge us the way we want to be judged. For starters, maybe we should stop judging others hearts and minds.

How can I truly judge people I haven’t spent time with? And as James proved, how can I know my judgement is right? I can’t…and if I do, I’d better make sure I can stand up to the same measure of judging. “You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgement seat.” Romans 14:10.

Let’s wrap it up with a little more common sense from James. “Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it…There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you- who are you to judge your neighbor?”

It may come naturally to form a quick impression and opinion. It may be popular to express them on Facebook or in conversation. But, it may not be the wisest thing to do.

Don’t let a pretty picture deceive you. Don’t let a bad thought misdirect your impression. Be careful to not let a past opinion block your understanding. Reserve your judgement for the test of time. Be slow to judge.

Your Source For News and Truth


Where do you get your news? Where do you get your information? Where do you find out what’s happening? Where do YOU find the truth?

It’s possible those 4 different questions get 4 different answers. It’s a fact most outlets of information are really portals of disinformation. Call it ‘fake news’ or ‘dangerous propaganda’. There is an agenda behind the curtain to give you what you want to hear, to feed your mind with information, to confirm what you want to hear…and support your truth.

The headlines confirm the disinformation and the slanted angle by asking better questions. “Just How Partisan is Facebook?” “Google Search Can Lean Liberal, Study Finds”. Twitter, Facebook, Google, Wikipedia. Round up the usual suspects just to find they’re all guilty.

“Trump Chastises TV News Executives” is another headline. The President-elect has personally criticized both television and print news outlets including CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and the New York Times. He reportedly said CNN was a den of liars. Some people find this an outrage and warn about a backlash. But if the shoe fits.


Paul did the same thing 2000 years ago. “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4. OK, Paul said it a little nicer.

Don’t let the words ‘doctrine’ and ‘myths’ get you off the trail. Don’t let a Bible verse cause you to miss the point in 2016. These “men who will not put up with sound doctrine” are the same today as they were in 30 B.C. They don’t tolerate the truth, but claim to seek it. Instead they reject truth for sensationalism that fits their need and their truth. It’s the age old game of gathering viewpoints to suit a selfish desire and agenda. Everything old is new again.

I’ve heard the word ‘truth’ used ad nauseum lately by friends and pundits. Even the political candidates urged the use of their websites to ‘fact check’ for the truth (you can trust a website to FACT check, can’t you?!) The desire for truth is hard wired into every speaking being on the planet. Christians have a role and responsibility in regards to truth. “Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” Ephesians 4:25. Now we’re getting somewhere. The truth can come from the right people.

In days LONG gone people might start the search for truth with the words you use. Wikipedia ruined that didn’t they? An actively created and constantly edited encyclopedia…what?! The definition of words are changing about as quickly as some want you to believe the truth is changing. In writing my last post I searched the word ‘submission’. Wikipedia doesn’t even define the word but redirects you to another word. That used to be the job of a Thesaurus (it’s not just words that are being used to redirect our minds regarding the truth. Go to Google images and search ‘submission’. Don’t let the kids watch when you do.)


It all begs the question, ‘What is the truth?’ Too many people these days try to avoid the G word when seeking for and defining truth. Good luck with that; it will NEVER work people. It’s the only place to start looking for truth. You can sense it, feel it, you KNOW it’s true. In fact, if you don’t bring the most divisive name into the conversation, you’ll never get there. “How can you say that?”, you ask. Glad you did.

Jesus prayed to his Father, the God of the Old Testament. He said, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:17. So, truth is found in the Bible, in the living word of God. In the Old Testament. Want another source of news and information? Hang on.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” John 14:6. Jesus’ words are in the New Testament. So, truth is found in the Old and New Testament. Want a more modern, hip, alternative source of news and truth? Get ready!

Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit, the ‘new’ source of truth. “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” John 16:12-13. That’s when he should have dropped the mic.

Jesus added a few more words. “He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”


There it is people. Truth that never changes and it comes from God, but deep down you already knew that. The trending truth, if you will, comes from Jesus because he gets it from the Father. And if you want live streaming truth, tune into the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives live, breaking truth delivered right to your head and heart. These are the only outlets that never change or alter the unadulterated truth.

So, where are you getting your news and information? The next Presidential administration will be using new sources as outlets for information. YOU might need to confirm some outlets and delete others. The good news is the truth is easy and free if you have the right source.

Submitting to Thankfulness



We teach what we believe, we reproduce what we are. How does this look for America in 2016 ?

Read the Original Proclamation of Thanksgiving attached above. This week we should all rise above the noise and the clatter of everyday life. This week in particular we should all give thanks that we live in a country founded on submitting to authority, not superiority.

In every competition there is a winner and a loser. Everyone can win, but not with class. Everyone can lose, but not with dignity. Recognizing, accepting and submitting to both winning and losing is a test of character and a step in maturity. When you win or lose, what do people see and hear? Do you know how to submit with thankfulness?

The anger and animosity on both sides before the election wore me out and it doesn’t seem to be ending for some people. The problems are deep but the issues are simple. Learning to put others before yourself and submitting to authority have become foreign ideas. The concept is spiritual, maybe that’s the problem for some people. “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority:” 1 Peter 2:13


Parents are supposed to teach you to be respectful and submit to authority. Have we quit teaching this belief? Have we reproduced what is in our heart? Submission WAS considered basic civility a few years ago. Today it’s become a perverted 4 letter word. In Biblical times it was part of your faith. Paul put it succinctly. “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21.

Is submission a 4 letter word in your life and vocabulary? Webster’s defines submission as “the state of being obedient: the act of accepting the authority or control of someone else.” Wikipedia actually redirects the definition of submission to another word, ‘deference’. Check it out. “Deference (also called submission or passivity) is the condition of submitting to the espoused, legitimate influence of one’s superior or superiors.[1] Deference implies a yielding or submitting to the judgment of a recognized superior out of respect or reverence.”

OK, that helps explain a few things. Superiority and passivity are trying to hijack authority these days. Don’t fall for that trick. Let’s stay with submission being tied to a connection with authority and not superiority. In fact, it’s scriptural to see others in such a light. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” Phil. 2:3. The ability to lose well and put someone else first is at the root of a civil society…and a Godly people.

Altruism is a virtue that is not bound by religious traditions or secular worldviews. It is at the heart of government; it is at the heart of our nation; it is at the heart of a Christian faith. “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:25-28.


Don’t let the assumption or subversion of superiority replace God-given authority in election results or corporate America. Don’t let an Ivy league education, high net worth or post graduate degree confuse you in regards to responsibility and not superiority. We all have abilities and gifts that should allow us to serve others and not consider ourselves superior to them. Remember, you teach what you believe, you reproduce what you are.

A French philosopher coined the word altruism, but Paul nailed it in Philippians 2:4 when he said, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” So, how’s that working out for us these days? How are you doing with looking out for others and their interests?

I’ve heard more references to people described as ‘others’ and ‘elites’ over the past few months. I’m nauseated by the terms. We learn at an early age, there is always someone smarter, better looking, faster, different, you name it. But we need to remember there is always someone who loves more, cares deeper, gives and serves with a more gentle spirit as well. Which category do you excel at? Are you an ‘elite’ in loving? Are you one of the ‘others’ who forgives more easily and submits quicker?

I’m an ‘other’ for sure, and so are you. We ALL are. Don’t be an elitist in thinking what makes YOU different makes you superior or inferior. The question is, “what are we doing with our differences?” Peter taught what he believed. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in it’s various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

We need to look in the mirror this week before we look at someone else. Is it so hard to put others before yourself? At Thanksgiving this week millions of people will gather around a meal and talk about what they are thankful for. Odds favor, the conversation will focus on themselves AND others.


I’m thankful that I have people, family and relationships that are rooted in love. I’m thankful I know how to love people and that I have the capacity to love MORE than I am doing. I’m thankful I’m given new opportunities each day to forgive and be forgiven.

I’m submitting again today. I’m submitting to thankfulness for each of you, my country and my God…and for Jesus Christ who set the example for submission.

Heard THAT Sound


There was a loud sound last night, did you hear it? Of course you heard it. The world is a small house and everyone living in a small house can hear a loud sound. Some heard it earlier in the night, some in the middle of the night and some didn’t hear it until this morning. Everyone heard that sound, but what did they see?

Today, there is mainly noise. The noise today is the world talking about the loud sound that came from our room in the house. The noise today is people trying to shape the conversation by casting words and opinion like scattering seed on the ground. What THEY heard, what THEY believe the sound was and what THEY think it means. What do YOU think?

“‘If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear. Consider carefully, what you hear,’ he continued. ‘With the measure you use, it will be measured to you – and even more.'” Mark 4:23-24. In other words, listen up folks. How well you pay attention will determine how much you gain from what you hear. So, before you let the words of every pundit, newscaster, friend on Facebook and tweet on Twitter sink in and dictate your head and heart, stop and listen. Listen to your God, not your gods.

So, what sound did YOU hear last night? There wasn’t a noise last night, it was the sound of something. Jesus taught HIS followers to focus on listening, hearing and seeing correctly. He spoke in parables to unbelievers because “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.” Matthew 13:13.


Jesus taught that people’s hearts had become hard and calloused and that they could hardly hear or see. Are we seeing this in real time today? But, He spoke to His followers and called THEM blessed because they COULD see and hear. Believers need to take a moment to see and hear. I’m asking the question because I’m curious what believers heard and saw last night.

Seeing and hearing go hand in hand in the scriptures and in life. We heard a sound last night, what did we see? Paul had a dramatic experience with sight and sound on the road to Damascus. He saw a bright light and heard a voice. “The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.” There can be a sound and a sight, yet not everyone understands what they saw or heard. Not everyone is listening for God’s voice. Are you?

For three days Paul was blind and could not understand what had happened. What he heard and saw changed his life forever, but it took a few days. We need to pay attention here. We heard and saw something last night and we want to understand what it was. We need to understand. We need a spirit of wisdom and revelation, but we better be careful where we look and listen for that wisdom.


One word that comes to the front of the conversation is change. Change is a word that has become politically and culturally popular. If the word “change” were part of a drinking game today, no one should be on the road. After the last 8 years we should also recognize the sound of change. Last night sounded like change to me.

I don’t understand everything about change, but I know it is one of the most prolific forces in this world. Change can divide and change can unite. And it makes a sound. Sound is basically a transfer of energy that causes vibrations and a chain reaction that produces sound. There was a transfer of energy and power last night….and it made a loud sound.

As believers, our direction regarding change should come from God. He is making all things new. He IS changing everything. My favorite place to focus when change becomes so apparent is Isaiah 43:18. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”

Huh? Anyone perceive a new thing today? Obviously, perception plays a role in hearing and understanding change. I perceive the former things are out the window today. The former ways of governing have been voted out as evidenced from Brexit to Trump. Governmental leadership is changing for sure, but there is more change coming. Will the loud sound you heard last night make you close your ears or open them?


Did the sound last night change anything IN you? Will the sound last night represent any change FOR you? I’m NOT talking about politics. Don’t blow this off and don’t ignore the sound you heard even if you are blind to what it means for 3 days or 3 months. If you are a Christ follower, now is the time to listen to the still small voice within you to answer these questions. Now is the time to ask God for ears to hear and eyes to see.

“Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.” Philippians 3:13. I encourage each of us to let the sound we heard last night awaken us spiritually. Be a part of the change God is making in this world, not necessarily the change in politics. Look ahead. Strain to look ahead and see what God has in store for you.

I heard that sound last night. I saw something, too. Change happened again last night. It was pretty loud. It woke me up. Did it you?