People flock to hear the rich and famous. Wealth is like an altar where people come to listen, learn and worship. Right or wrong, wealth is thought to be a blessing from God that is accompanied by the wisdom needed to accumulate and control possessions. Wealth provides the ability to control many things, but not all things. Time cannot be controlled by any man or woman. Control of the clock is reserved for God and not influenced by dollars or yuan.
In his day, Solomon was the wisest and wealthiest man to ever live. Estimates put his wealth at $2.1 Trillion making him the wealthiest man to EVER live even by today’s standards. That alone would make him a keynote speaker at a Chik-Fil-A banquet or college graduation. With hindsight as his guide Solomon deduced, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1. Solomon tried to control and possess all that he could with his wisdom and wealth, but he realized the elusive nature and power of time and controlling the clock.
Modern society is characterized by anger and frustrations that originate with the inability to control the timing of events. People don’t want to accept there is a place and time for Democrats and Republicans to be in charge. Sports teams rebuild their rosters to win today instead of building for the future. Facebook is sacrificing their customer base to make a profit today. Individuals buy into bitcoin not understanding cryptocurrencies because it looks like a get rich quick scheme. Millennials want it all and want it now because they are afraid time may not allow them to live a long and full life. It seems people have forgotten there IS a natural order in time and a season for everything. The devil is selling the lie that time is fleeting and can be controlled. FOMO is resulting in mayhem, disorder and separation from God.
Solomon pointed out God is the originator and architect of time. “I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in it’s time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men: yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecc. 3:10-11. We are hard wired to KNOW there is life after death, but we cannot fully comprehend the rhythm of time. Spiritual warfare targets our hearts and minds to not understand and accept God’s sovereignty. Our frustration with a lack of control in the timing of events in our lives leads us to seek council from men or play god ourselves.
The world wants us to spend our time and effort buying into the belief that education, intelligence and monetary success is the path to winning in life. Yet, the richest man to ever live said, “The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned: but time and chance happen to them all.” Ecc. 9:11. Time and chance??!! People and nations are risking their reputations and souls trying to effect and control outcomes. Accepting a lack of control over time and destiny is not an option encouraged in our society.
We seem more willing to accept the concept of a ‘time and season for everything’ as long as we know or control the timing. If we could know the time of a party or politicians tenure in office. If we could control when a sickness would end and a healthy life would resume. How long before I get a raise in my job? We try to control the timing in our lives but maybe we should submit and trust it to God. When we don’t, this leads to anxiety over the future, anger at people for their political choices, apathy towards God and disunity in society. This is spiritual warfare, folks.
The fact is, “…men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them.” Ecc 9:12. We want to avoid tough times and knowing they can fall on us unexpectedly results in our effort to control and minimize the timing. Maybe we should entertain Solomon’s conclusions. “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecc 12:13. This would require recognition of God and submission to Him and His timing. This is the nature of life and the battle for your soul.
When we accept there is indeed a time and a season for everything it can lead to us trusting and loving God, or rebelling from Him. This is the heartbeat of spiritual warfare.
Allow GOD to play out every second and season in your life. Don’t try to control the clock.