When I was a kid in the 70’s, the word ‘cool’ was popular. Cool, was a general expression. Cool was an attitude, a mindset, a demeanor and a way of life. People were so drawn to using the word that it became associated with a period of time and the people who lived in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. When a word becomes so representative of a time and culture, it can take on a life of it’s own. I encourage you to start looking and listening for the new buzzword… ‘enough’.

A few months ago Nick Saban retired as Head Coach at the University of Alabama. The college football game had changed and Coach Saban lived out the new buzzword. In his own words… ‘I thought we could have a hell of a team next year, and then maybe 70 or 80 percent of the players you talk to, all they want to know is two things: What assurances do I have that I’m going to play, because they’re thinking about transferring and how much are you going to pay me?…So, I’m saying to myself, maybe this doesn’t work anymore.’ In simple terms, I’ve had enough.

Last week a Democratic State Senator in California joined the rallying cry. Senator Eggman announced she was switching political parties. Her words were straightforward… ‘I’m done…we have a moral responsibility to say enough, enough!…’ Start watching and you’re going to see this new buzzword spread like wildfire.

I’m not going to list the plethora of current events that might cause millions of people to start repeating Senator Eggman’s words. Be alert to the actions that accompany the attitude and mindset of ‘ENOUGH’. Actions can be more critical and impactful than the utterance of the word itself. Ask Alabama fans. When Coach Saban had enough, he simply walked away. Senator Eggman walked across the political aisle. Some people drop friendships and family, but the results are the same.

What makes each of us reach our limits and say ‘enough’ varies from person to person. Too often people will turn their heads and ignore their responsibilities (even moral responsibilities) until it becomes flesh on their bone. When a situation finally comes home and effects you, your family, your reputation, bank account or the business you’ve built, THEN, it may be enough. Have YOU reached the point of ‘enough’ with anything lately?

I pose the question, “Does God ever say ‘enough’. What does it take to get Him to this point and what does it look like when He says, ‘enough’?” Anybody remember the flood? The metropolis of Sodom or Gomorrah? The Tower of Babel? The God of the Old Testament hasn’t gone anywhere.

Peter reminds us that with the Lord ‘a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day….but the day of the Lord will come like a thief.’ Is mankind altering ourselves and the world God created beyond what the Creator will tolerate? Are current activities enough to warrant God’s direct intervention? Remember, when enough is enough things happen quickly and unexpectedly.

Elon Musk is pushing ahead with brain chips to be implanted in people and AI will turn us into something different than God created. Musk recently said “We are entering a time where humans may be able to work as a hobby but AI supplants mankind in all endeavors…If the computer and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning? I do think there’s a role for humans in this…in that we may give AI meaning.’….Is God’s plan for mankind to give AI meaning or worship Him? Does this make God say ‘Enough’?

The entire Creation is being subjected to radical change. Solar geo-engineering is utilizing high altitude chemical infusions to cool the Earth and block the sun (In other words, to alter the weather and the climate…which God historically claims as HIS domain). From genetically modified mosquitos to self-assembling nanotechnology being injected into humans via mRNA vaccines, the Creation is being re-created. By altering the human creation and our physical world, men and women are attempting to change WHAT God created AND the purpose for His creations. Is this enough to hear God roar from Heaven?

Revelation 10:3 documents Jesus returning to Earth and speaking with emphasis. It’s interesting to read the words in several translations…

-the NIV says ‘…and He gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion.’

-KJ21 says ‘…and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth.’

-CSB says ‘…and he called out with a loud voice like a roaring lion.’

-NET says ‘Then he shouted in a loud voice like a lion roaring.’

Christ speaks loudly, emphatically, powerfully and with emphasis so that everyone can hear. This is only my speculation so I’m not adding or taking away anything written in the book, but…. I wonder if the world is going to hear the Creator shout ‘ENOUGH!!’

I encourage us all to look in the mirror, listen to our own words as well as the words and actions of others. Will Christ followers stand up and shout or will they be counted as the cowards spoken about in Revelation 21:8, choosing to be fearful of being cancelled or disliked?Will the Creator allow AI to be the new Tower of Babel? What does it take to hear and see Christians live out their professed beliefs?

ENOUGH is the new buzzword. It will become a mindset, an attitude and demeanor? Stay tuned.

One thought on “ENOUGH”

  1. Love it! Todays media, government, and culture almost seem to be daring Him to act.

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