We are living in a time marked by great instability. Faith in the theories and systems that have lasted for generations is being challenged and attacked. Volatility is rampant, confusion is predominate and chaos is apparent to everyone. Economic and monetary systems are on the brink of collapse. Democracy is being questioned and redefined. Asset values are rising and prices are inflating while commodities become more scarce. These facts make the case to invest in hard assets.
Hard assets are traditionally known by their physical or tangible qualities that last over time. Assets like land, real estate, precious metals, gold and silver. Collectibles like art, classic cars, coins, stamps and fine wines are all hard assets and have increased in value. In turn, home prices and stock values have gone up. Commodities like lumber, steel and natural gas have seen prices double and triple. Hard assets have been and will continue to be in a bull market.
Hard assets are visible and considered an investable asset because of their intrinsic value. The one hard asset that has increased in value THE most, is faith. Some people think faith is a mindset or a feeling, but faith is a tangible asset that is seen and measured by actions and movement. The guy who grew up in the same house with Jesus, said he could prove how real and tangible faith was. James said ‘…I will show you my faith by what I do.’ (James 2:18). He added, ‘…faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.’ (James 2:17). Therefore, faith is visible and measurable.
Assets provide returns. The Bible teaches and reminds us that faith in God provides ‘…an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.’ (1st Peter 1:4). Like other hard assets, faith is tangible and provides shelter and refuge. Christ followers ‘through faith are shielded by God’s power’ until we take possession of the underlying investment our faith will reward. Peter spoke to the tangible value and said ‘your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine, and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.’ (1st Peter 1:7). Put simply, faith yields a return that demands an ever increasing asset allocation in your portfolio.
Some more tangible returns of faith are mentioned in the 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews in the Bible. Noah’s faith manifested in the building of an ark that saved his family (11:7). Abraham’s faith not only produced a child but descendants that are measured like the stars in the sky (11:11-12). A prostitute’s faith saved her house and her life (11:31). Faith has proven returns of saving lives, conquering kingdoms, winning wars and bringing the dead back to life (11:32-35). The hard asset of faith in God can yield phenomenal returns.
When it comes to investing, it’s a fact that getting in early can bring the greatest rewards. A lot of times, getting in early doesn’t require a large upfront amount to yield an enormous return. Jesus advised ‘…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed…nothing will be impossible for you.’ (Matthew 17:20). In the current climate, it’s worth considering at least a ‘mustard seed’ sized investment of faith in God. HE has a proven track record for thousands of years in returning peace, contentment, and eternal salvation from all the bad investments you’ve made. So, whether you invested in faith in God early in life or you’re late to the game, NOW is the time to make an initial investment or increase your allocation.
WHY put more into faith in God right now? A pandemic flu, cancer and sickness, severe weather and climate change, politicians with no term limits that put themselves ahead of the people they represent. Faith in God has proven returns for what is ailing us. When FAITH is tested and refined it yields the perseverance needed to reach the next election cycle (James 1:3-4). Faith added to a prayer can heal the sick (James 5:15) and even effect the weather (James 5:17-18). Faith in anything other than God will NOT yield the results we need.
‘We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.’ The Bible is an historical document that teaches and reminds us of what has been since ‘God created the heavens and the earth’. The relevance of the Bible and FAITH in the God of the Bible is critical and necessary to solve the problems we face in America and around the globe in 2021. Place your faith in a hard asset where there are proven results not in people, medicine and science with no track record.
Hard assets provide protection and can yield great returns. Faith in God is the only real, hard, tangible asset you can possess with a simple decision. Make an initial investment or increase your asset allocation of faith in the God of Creation before the next trading day begins.