Ambition Gained…and Lost

America has always been a bold ambition. A united group of disparate peoples into organized states that believe in and strive towards a common good, IS a bold ambition. This ambition became reality in 1776 and has been a driving force in shaping a better world. This bold initiative is still alive and evolving today, but the ambitions that formed our nation are rapidly changing before our eyes. ‘We the people’ and our ambition are being tested and challenged.

There is an effort to rewrite the ambitions of the people, timing and foundations of American democracy. America was founded by people with ambitions that originated from God given freedoms. The freedom from oppression of taxation without representation…and the freedom to worship the God that gives those freedoms. Ambitions are derived from freedom. More freedom, more ambition. Less freedom, less ambition.

Ambitions are often referred to as ‘burning’ desires. They reflect healthy self-esteem and an ability to visualize and see things as they can be, not as they are. America has proven that ambition is contagious. Like attracts like and people from all nations continue to chase their ambitions by coming to America. But, not all ambitions are as worthy and altruistic as The United States of America. When ambition takes away personal freedoms by force through greed and selfish desire, it is destined for failure….and even God’s wrath.

The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) is a good example and analogy where man’s ambition started with a few bricks but was revealed as effort to play God. What started with a united group of people and a seemingly good idea ended in confusion, anger and disunity. The result was people were left scattered and life on the planet permanently altered. Their ambitions took others away from God, not towards. Those who built the Tower of Babel made a declaration of independence from God and created chaos and division. A mistake we should learn from.

In 2021 we see similar ideas that started with the ambition of profit and bringing people together. They, too are being revealed as denying freedoms and creating disunity. Facebook, Twitter and the United Nations appeared to be well intentioned ambitions for profit and unity, but on second glance those motives are in question. When someone or something gives MORE freedom to others, ambitions are gained. When freedoms are taken away, ambition is lost.

The Founding Fathers were not a bunch of Bible thumping anarchists bent on destroying England. They were pursuing God and the original freedoms He gave us in the Garden of Eden. Today we live in a more technocratic and godless world where those ambitions are at risk of being labeled domestic terrorism. Evil is more evident in the ambitions of those trying to take away basic freedoms.

Today, the First Amendment is under attack as freedom of speech is ridiculed, censored and restricted. Freedom of assembly is at risk in the name of protecting people from angry and dangerous mobs. House Resolution 127 is targeting the Second Amendment by limiting and prohibiting the possession of firearms and certain ammunitions. The 14th Amendment addressing citizens rights with equal protection is being perverted by fear and hatred. When freedoms are restricted it is a direct attack on those who enjoy the freedom…AND the One who gives it. Make no mistake, the assault on freedom in America is starting to resemble a jihad, a Holy war.

In turn, the ambitions of our children and future generations are at risk. The younger generation is being taught that a profit motive always turns into greed. Children are told the founding fathers ambition originated in privilege that results in racism. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our Republic became the cradle of democracy to nurture and foster individual ambition regardless of creed, color or national origin. We wrote these freedoms down in numerous documents to clarify the ambition. We fought a civil war to give freedom to all races, we enshrined it in law and created penalties for those who did otherwise. The US of A has allowed ANYONE and EVERYONE the same freedom of choice God gave Adam and Eve. People can have evil in their hearts but the country is NOT systemically evil; quite the opposite.

Ambitious undertakings requires ambitious people and therein lies the risk. Ambitions are the results and by-product of freedom. Like Adam and Eve, people can make poor choices but they have the freedom to do so. Since the God we know is omnipotent, He KNOWS that freedom and the resulting ambitions can run amuck…and He still allows it! Our nation should as well.

When we have less freedom our ambitions shrink and become limited. Any person or government who says ‘no’ to freedom is trying to play God. God says ‘yes’ to freedom and the world tries to control by saying ‘no’. Saying ‘yes’ to individual freedoms result in giving power and choice. Saying ‘no’ results in controlling and restraining a person. The biggest negative to giving freedom is the resulting individual responsibility and consequences that go with bad choices…like the downfall of man, millions of aborted babies, yada, yada, yada.

Freedom is a big and bold ambition, an endowment from our Creator, not a gift from a government. Free will was given when mankind was created. God was magnanimous when He planted the seeds of freedom and choice with Adam and Eve in the Garden. The first couple quickly learned those freedoms can be lost forever by following the wrong person’s ambitions. Satan got the first couple to follow his ambition and the consequences were devastating to them and their culture.

Some ambitions originate with good intentions…some don’t. Satan’s ambition got him thrown out of God’s presence. ‘You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God…I will make myself like the Most High”. Isaiah 14:13-14. Rising to the top sounds like an American ambition, but not at the expense of defying the God who gives the freedom. Not all ambitions should be encouraged or supported.

America is an ambition founded on God given rights with Christian principles. We are not a Christian nation but we were founded on Christian principles, therefore we should expect to be under attack. Jesus said ‘If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it’s own. As it is, you do not belong to the world but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.’ John 15:19. The attack is on God’s people and His principles that motivate their ambitions.

As time passes, it will become more apparent that the denial of freedoms will focus on heavenly issues and God’s people. This is happening because it’s all about the ‘likes’ and there is a war for your love, loyalty and very soul. Jesus said, ‘ “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself” ‘. Matthew 22:37. The ambition of Christ is to promote God and this is at the root of the attack we are seeing.

Christ taught we live IN the world but should not be OF it. Jesus warned His followers that they AND their ambitions would be targeted and persecuted. The Bible teaches ‘as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.’ 1 Peter 2:11. The Godly mindset is we are residents of the earth, but citizens of heaven.

Freedom is power. The one who gives and takes freedom wields that power. This is why men of all races, creeds and nationalities strive to broker freedom, not give it. They want to play God, but they are not Him.

The pandemic is the assault on freedoms. The real target of the pandemic is the soul of mankind.