Truth Hidden by Spiritual Warfare

One day last week provided me with a moment of clarity. A haircut resulted in a lap full of gray hair clippings. A picture while trimming the dog’s nails revealed an ever growing bald spot. I was reminded of what I know but I tend to forget because I see it every day. We become so accustomed to the ordinary and lose sight of the truth right in front of us. So much truth is being hidden and lost in the ordinary because of spiritual warfare.

The truth is there is an underlying angst in our world today. The signs are unrest in your job and marriage, discontentment with the ruling authorities, anxiety about the future, loneliness in a crowded world and a decrease in deep relationships and community. The cause is spiritual warfare and it is taking the joy out of daily living. The results are the usual suspects…divorce, sexual perversions, idolatry, envy, greed, anger, hatred and unforgiveness. The casualties are disconnected families and a generation that doesn’t fear or even KNOW God. This fight is waged in the hearts and minds of every person on the planet and no one is exempt. Spiritual warfare is the snake you can’t see and don’t hear about. It’s the snake on the plane that is biting everyone.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12. Until you accept this FACT, you’ll only see gun control, racism and politics as topics of conversation. Spiritual warfare is the difference defined by the red pill or the blue pill, Neo. To see the underlying condition of the hearts and minds in people, you need to recognize spiritual warfare. Then, you must deal with the enemy that is attacking your very soul.

Remember the story of the guy who died in the flood because he had never seen the water rise so high? He wouldn’t listen to the sheriff who came by, the highway patrol who warned him, the guy in the boat or the helicopter when they came to rescue him. The guy drowned. It wasn’t until he met the Lord after he died, that God reminded him how many people He sent to save him from the flood. We need to get back to knowing and seeing God in the natural, everyday commonplace things. Only then will we see the profound implications in the war around us. Only then, will we see the real enemy, the devil.

Another FACT to never forget, the devil IS real. When you see pure evil like the school shootings in Florida, I can promise you he is spreading lies in the hearts and minds of the players involved. When a Christian couple thinks maybe they married the wrong spouse, the devil is trying to make you doubt God’s sovereignty and power to unite and hold everything together. Remember, the devil LOVES to lie. “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44….You wanna know who’s really behind fake news?

When the Bible recounts Christ being tempted in the wilderness for 40 days, the devil is revealed in spades. When speaking about the kingdoms of the world and the authority, splendor and control of this world, the devil says, “…it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.” Luke 4:6-7. In this world the enemy runs rampant, but under the radar.

The devil is a “schemer”, a “thief” and a “liar”. He is also “the god of this age (and) has blinded the minds of unbelievers..” 2 Cor. 4:4. When your thinking is limited to what you can see in this world and doesn’t include the spiritual realm, you become blinded and conformed to it’s patterns. Don’t lose the ability to renew your mind to truths in the Bible. Truths that were established when God created the world and time was new. Truths that never change.

To see truth in the ordinary everyday, “Set your minds on things above, not on Earthly things.”Col. 3:2. Then, listen to the news and talk to your friends to hear and feel the battles in their lives. Don’t trust Facebook to give you the whole story. Don’t believe the lies in the headlines. Learn to discern the truth by reading the Bible. Deflect the devil’s lies with faith in Jesus and fellowship with like minded believers. “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11.

Just because you don’t see the warfare doesn’t mean it’s not real and you can’t be injured in the battle. Odds favor, you’re wounded whether you know it or not…and these wounds can hurt and kill. Truth is the first line of protection against being a casualty.

Spiritual warfare is at the root of ordinary issues in society today. Spiritual warfare is causing profound problems in marriages, schools, politics and all relationships. If you start to look for it, it’s as easy to see as a bald spot.