Certain words have become taboo in our culture. A word can elicit love or animosity and division. Words are gatekeepers to our patience, attention, heart and loyalty. Words can reveal issues and the nature of powers at work. None more so, than the word ‘submission’.
Submission is at the root of the Parkland shootings, the political divisions in our country and the future of our nation. Submission is at the core of why our world was created and why it will be destroyed. Submission is the key to eternity and the balance of your daily activities. In other words, it’s pretty important.
Submission can be a four letter word, a spiritual foundation or a worldly perversion. History is replete with examples of misplaced trust and submission. The dark ages were represented by submission to leaders who lived lavishly at the expense of others. Our nation fought against submitting to a tyrant that wanted taxation without representation. For a long time, women submitted to a government that didn’t allow them to vote or a husband that was abusive. It all boils down to yielding to a superior force or authority. To whom and what do you yield and put first in your life. To what and whom SHOULD you trust and submit?
In 2018, we are rebelling from submission and it is causing chaos. We trust and submit to ourselves first and foremost, but is that the right path? “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.” Proverbs 3: 5-7. We have put our own understanding above all else. With our rebellion, we are elevating ourselves to deity.
The lack of political trust is well founded, right? Politicians come up with tax schemes that benefit themselves. Political parties pass laws that kill unborn babies, break up families and keep prayer out of our schools. And what’s the Biblical advice? “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account…” Hebrews 13:17. Are you kidding? Submit to people or a party we can’t trust to protect our kids at school? Authority issues cause one more brick to fall out of the wall of submission.
Lack of submitting to leadership has been building since creation. Lucifer was cast down from heaven because his pride wouldn’t let him submit to a greater authority. Adam and Eve submitted to a lie the devil spread about God. Peter gave some advice in the New Testament, “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men:… Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.” 1st Peter 2:13,17. In simple terms, fear God and submit to Him. Then, show respect and submit to every other authority among men. Facebook, Twitter and TV are rife with rantings about a Trump Presidency because there is no longer room in people’s hearts to submit to elected authority. This is a spiritual issue. Look in the mirror.
Folks are trying to unsuccessfully balance their lives between work, jobs, family and friends because they don’t submit to even the most simple leading of the Holy Spirit. Not calling a friend who has been on your mind for 2 weeks. Not applying for the new job someone brought to your attention. Not speaking up when you see a coworker forced into submitting to a sexist boss. This leads to rebellion from an elected President you don’t agree with, talking badly about your boss or not giving financial help to a family member who can’t find a job. When we turn from submitting to the highest authority, the fiber of society breaks down…AND so does our relationship with God.
Christ followers are most at risk. When we ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit we harden our hearts and submit to an authority and power other than God. How much of the contentious atmosphere in our lives and nation stem from a spiritual battle caused by submitting to the same enemy as Adam and Eve? “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you..” James 4:7-8. Be aware of who you submit to with each word, action and inaction; each tweet, post and email.
The stresses in your world and THE world can be relieved by a return to recognition, fear and submission…in the rightful and ultimate authority of all creation. Mass shootings can be avoided, world peace and balancing the demands of each day can be achieved. Deny your own understanding and submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your daily life. The right career path, peace, and joy for each day all start by submitting to the Holy Spirit first thing in the morning, then continuing to submit as He leads all day.
Don’t kid yourself, submission is at the core of our being and our world. We all submit to something and someone.