Millennials and Gen X’ers find themselves trying to build a successful life and career in interesting times. Resumes are submitted to websites and not individuals. Meeting and dating someone doesn’t require personal contact but a text, Snapchat or Instagram account. This generation is building their body of work in life via different means, but I’m afraid with the same potential pitfalls as each generation before them. The pitfall is following the world’s system to prepare your tomorrow. Make sure that your actions today lead to the tomorrow you really want. If success occurs when preparation meets opportunity, what tomorrow are you preparing for today?
My earliest recollection of when it started was the 4th grade. I played Scrooge in the elementary school production and felt the rush of being front and center. A lead-off home run in the top of the first inning in 6th grade. President of the largest club in high school (shout out to Newton County FBLA’ers). President of the University Union at the University of Georgia. The list continued to grow after college graduation. The effect was success and recognition served to grow my resume and reputation. I was raised to believe this is how you build a career and a life. I believed this was the way to prepare for the success I wanted.
Bottom line is that each year the world presented opportunities for there to be more of me. This worked well, felt good and helped me to build a life for my wife and family. Whether serving an individual, a group or a company, I was taught to put others first and serve their needs. Along the way I learned it was a natural occurrence that when following a ‘servant’ protocol and mindset, I gained stature and recognition. Every time my accolades and success increased there was naturally more of me, not less. I was increasing every day and not decreasing. I was preparing for the success I had envisioned.
I am haunted by the life and story of John the Baptist. The whole “He must become greater; I must become less” thing has taken on a new dimension the older I get. My success in life made me greater and is the opposite of what made John the Baptist so great. How great was John the Baptist? Jesus said, “I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.” Luke 7:28. John’s life centered on serving the Kingdom of God and not himself or his culture. John spent his life preparing the way for Christ and that defined his success. What kind of success are you preparing for? Do you want greatness?
This is where you can argue that serving the Kingdom doesn’t have to be exclusive of caring for your self and your family….and that sounds good. In hindsight, somewhere along the way, success in life brings more attention to YOU and that is a slippery slope and will make YOU greater. Logically, if YOU become greater, HE doesn’t. When preparing for the future, I believe it is imperative for Christ followers to consciously plan and prepare to BE less with each passing day. When planning for your future, I encourage you to prepare for when and where your future is, not just what it will look like. Prepare for a future not limited to this world.
The earthly path of upward mobility might lead to a bigger house and a second home, but focus on preparing for eternity and not the next 30 years. “Jesus said to them,…’And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.'” Matthew 19:29. When preparing for that wedding or a career, remember it’s not today’s pictures or today’s job that matter the most. Less today can mean more tomorrow if you are following the leading of the Holy Spirit. Christ promised the return would be a hundred times whatever you give up here, for Him.
The ways of this world are not the ways of God. With Him there is no fear or anxiety. As a Millenial or Gen X’er looking ahead and seeing your needs and wants in the future you are planning, remember the words in red. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33. The One who gives and the One who rewards doesn’t advise the traditional worldly preparation for success. As a believer, prepare to seek Him more every day, give HIM more control and become less in the process. If you do otherwise, YOU might become greater but HE will become less. Is that what you want? Is that the future you are preparing for yourself?
The world will provide opportunities to build a life and a future for yourself. God will provide opportunities for a life that will serve Him and build an eternity for yourself. Prepare accordingly. Prepare for the right kind of success and what it brings.