Submitting to Thankfulness



We teach what we believe, we reproduce what we are. How does this look for America in 2016 ?

Read the Original Proclamation of Thanksgiving attached above. This week we should all rise above the noise and the clatter of everyday life. This week in particular we should all give thanks that we live in a country founded on submitting to authority, not superiority.

In every competition there is a winner and a loser. Everyone can win, but not with class. Everyone can lose, but not with dignity. Recognizing, accepting and submitting to both winning and losing is a test of character and a step in maturity. When you win or lose, what do people see and hear? Do you know how to submit with thankfulness?

The anger and animosity on both sides before the election wore me out and it doesn’t seem to be ending for some people. The problems are deep but the issues are simple. Learning to put others before yourself and submitting to authority have become foreign ideas. The concept is spiritual, maybe that’s the problem for some people. “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority:” 1 Peter 2:13


Parents are supposed to teach you to be respectful and submit to authority. Have we quit teaching this belief? Have we reproduced what is in our heart? Submission WAS considered basic civility a few years ago. Today it’s become a perverted 4 letter word. In Biblical times it was part of your faith. Paul put it succinctly. “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21.

Is submission a 4 letter word in your life and vocabulary? Webster’s defines submission as “the state of being obedient: the act of accepting the authority or control of someone else.” Wikipedia actually redirects the definition of submission to another word, ‘deference’. Check it out. “Deference (also called submission or passivity) is the condition of submitting to the espoused, legitimate influence of one’s superior or superiors.[1] Deference implies a yielding or submitting to the judgment of a recognized superior out of respect or reverence.”

OK, that helps explain a few things. Superiority and passivity are trying to hijack authority these days. Don’t fall for that trick. Let’s stay with submission being tied to a connection with authority and not superiority. In fact, it’s scriptural to see others in such a light. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” Phil. 2:3. The ability to lose well and put someone else first is at the root of a civil society…and a Godly people.

Altruism is a virtue that is not bound by religious traditions or secular worldviews. It is at the heart of government; it is at the heart of our nation; it is at the heart of a Christian faith. “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:25-28.


Don’t let the assumption or subversion of superiority replace God-given authority in election results or corporate America. Don’t let an Ivy league education, high net worth or post graduate degree confuse you in regards to responsibility and not superiority. We all have abilities and gifts that should allow us to serve others and not consider ourselves superior to them. Remember, you teach what you believe, you reproduce what you are.

A French philosopher coined the word altruism, but Paul nailed it in Philippians 2:4 when he said, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” So, how’s that working out for us these days? How are you doing with looking out for others and their interests?

I’ve heard more references to people described as ‘others’ and ‘elites’ over the past few months. I’m nauseated by the terms. We learn at an early age, there is always someone smarter, better looking, faster, different, you name it. But we need to remember there is always someone who loves more, cares deeper, gives and serves with a more gentle spirit as well. Which category do you excel at? Are you an ‘elite’ in loving? Are you one of the ‘others’ who forgives more easily and submits quicker?

I’m an ‘other’ for sure, and so are you. We ALL are. Don’t be an elitist in thinking what makes YOU different makes you superior or inferior. The question is, “what are we doing with our differences?” Peter taught what he believed. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in it’s various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

We need to look in the mirror this week before we look at someone else. Is it so hard to put others before yourself? At Thanksgiving this week millions of people will gather around a meal and talk about what they are thankful for. Odds favor, the conversation will focus on themselves AND others.


I’m thankful that I have people, family and relationships that are rooted in love. I’m thankful I know how to love people and that I have the capacity to love MORE than I am doing. I’m thankful I’m given new opportunities each day to forgive and be forgiven.

I’m submitting again today. I’m submitting to thankfulness for each of you, my country and my God…and for Jesus Christ who set the example for submission.