Better Together


I watched the Chicago Cubs celebrate after their team won the National League Championship on Saturday night. Everyone was smiling, hugging, and high-fiving like one big happy family. They were basking in celebration of achieving a common goal. Fans and players were all together…they were united…they were one.

Unity is a great thing. Not much feels as good as when people are on the same page. Whether it’s a sports team that functions as one unit, a business that works together to accomplish a common goal, or a happily married couple. The bottom line is we are better together.

Christians are called to function the same way. “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit-just as you were called to one hope when you were called- one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6. That’s pretty straightforward and simple. One team.

Paul wrote these words to remind all the folks in Ephesus that unity was what brought them together. Paul told them they were one team, they had one owner, one coach, one goal, one objective. And, to reach the goal, everyone had to keep THAT in mind and function in THAT regard.

Paul laid it out. In fact, in the verse right before he told the Ephesians how they got there and where they were going, he told them HOW to do it. “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Good advice.

Paul was the Vince Lombardi of his time. In today’s vernacular, Paul said to remember no one person is going to win the game for the team. Remember everyone has a role to play and we can’t win without working together as a team. Be patient and stick with the game plan. And, oh yeah, bear with your team mates and pull for them. Love ’em regardless if they have a career day or not. Dang good locker room speech.


When we see unity today it’s a beautiful thing and the results are equally so. When we see dis-unity it’s ugly. And, there are plenty examples of ugly. In politics, in business and in churches. Wherever people are being separated and torn apart, the result isn’t victory for the team. In 2016, too many teams are being divided and not united.

Go to a Cubs game and see the diversity ON the team, then look at the unity OF the team. Black and white, rich and poor, young and old all cheering and celebrating together. Cub fans and players wear the same team colors, caps and jerseys. They dress similar to each other. They all LOOK and ACT like Cubbies. They reflect Chicago.

Christians are called to be united in the world but not act like the rest of the world. Christians are called to reflect heaven and be united with other believers. We are called to grow closer towards our teammates, not away from them. We are called to unity.

Teams SHOULD be united. Everyone can see and tell when a team plays together. The players and fans know when they are playing together. There is evidence when we are united together. Christians are bound by one Spirit and belong to one body, not a political party or a corporate culture.

Don’t fool yourself. On the team of Christians you WILL stick out compared to the rest of the world. The longer you’re on the team the more you SHOULD look like a Christian. The longer you’re a believer the more you should look like the captain of the team. That’s called spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is a lifelong process that yields results for the team. The Bible calls it fruit.


Christians may not physically look like each other but we should ACT like each other. Galatians 5:22-23 says you can tell the Christian team members by their “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.” You can tell the guys on the other team as well. They wear “hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy” just to name a few. According to YOUR actions can everyone tell what team you are on?

To continue with the analogy, the league is changing every day. The game is becoming more physical and demanding. Some of our team members in the Middle East are being carted out on stretchers. Some in the U.S. have given up on a winning season and quit playing. Some are still dressing out each week, but just sitting on the bench.


Are YOU loosing touch with the team you were saved to be a part of? Maybe you need to recommit to the ownership, get off the bench and get back in the game. Unite with a local group of active members with whom you can play. Just because you wear a jersey once a week doesn’t mean you’re a player, you may be a poser. Make your words and actions a litmus test and find out.

Don’t let corporate or political games distract you from your team, your mission and your goal. Make sure your actions reflect your ownership. Make sure you play up to your ability.

This baseball season is coming to a close. YOUR season will come to an end. It took the Cubbies 75 years to get back to the World Series. I’m afraid you don’t have the same luxury. Play to win today. Play in unity with your team.