Who Can You Trust ?


In this season of life and this place in time, who do you trust? Who CAN you trust?

I’m afraid we have allowed ourselves and our hearts to be led astray. In turn, our country has been led astray. It’s become easier to answer the question of trust by default and make a list of who and what you can’t trust. Our trust was misplaced onto people and institutions who have betrayed us. We must ask ourselves where our trust belongs and get back on track.

Gone are the days when our country’s elected leadership puts America’s interest before their own. When a man or woman’s actions show a consistency of self interest and enrichment over the needs of those they have pledged to serve, trust is weakened. When a person’s words are filled with anger, lies and reminders they consider others as less than themselves and deplorable, trust is lost.

Virtues such as faith, hope and love are the foundation for life. When this foundation is shaken and cracked, trust won’t be far behind. There is a sense of despair and anger in our country today because the people have lost trust in their leadership. We have been putting too much faith and trust in the wrong people and places. When we trust anything more than or in place of our creator this is what happens.

“The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” Proverbs 12:22. Heck, none of us like people who lie to us. How can we be served and represented by people who God intensely dislikes? According to Jeremiah, “…the Lord has rejected those you trust: you will not be helped by them.” We have to realign our trust.

No wonder our country is experiencing ambivalence and discontentment. We should be concerned, we should be perplexed. The answer is not found in another candidate or in another election cycle. The answer is found in returning to the only one we can trust. “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.” Psalm 28:7.

For far too long we have been buying a lie that separation of church and state means to separate your religious beliefs from your politics. Look where that’s gotten us. We have also been told to keep our spiritual life out of the workplace. See what’s happened in the corporate world. We have been told to keep our faith out of the school system. Is it ironic mass shootings follow?


When a nations leadership tries to push God out of the people’s lives we are left with men and women who see themselves as the ultimate power and authority. If there is no absolute truth and sovereign God followed by the state, why should a ball player stand up for the national anthem? Now, entire college teams are staying in the locker room to separate themselves from the state.

There are signs everywhere that the American way of life for the last few hundred years is broken and sick. We have elected people who reflect our lack of trust in God. Where did we think this would lead? Where do you think it goes from here? I can tell you this, it doesn’t go away folks. Unless we turn our selves and our country back to our creator, the trend continues. If you’re confused, angry or apathetic now, just wait.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14. That’s a call to a specific group of people for a specific action with a specific purpose.


We trust our health until it goes. We trust our job until we lose it. We trust our money until it runs out. We trust our politicians until they desert us. We find all kinds of gods and places to put our trust in until they fail us. And they WILL all fail us.

If we want America to heal and return to being a unified and prosperous shining light for the world, there’s only one God for your trust. Make sure YOUR trust is in the right place.