Attitude Reflects Leadership


Every 4 years each citizen of the United States gets a chance to focus on the Presidential leadership of our nation. Each election gives us the chance to CHOOSE our leaders. This year is particularly interesting.

In the movie, Remember the Titans, there was a defining moment where the players started to come together and develop as a team. The two team leaders focused on how their differences and lack of leadership were driving them apart. One of the players summed it up, “Attitude reflects leadership.”

If we only look to politicians and elections for leadership it’s no wonder there is so much discord and animosity in our country. Watch a debate, listen to a press conference. Our attitudes reflect our national leadership and both are becoming progressively worse. Our attitudes reflect our hearts and that is more telling.

This election season is a good time to evaluate the leadership in your LIFE as well as our nation. Your attitude, your actions and your words reflect your leadership. Every American needs to decide WHO is leading them. Every man, woman and child needs to evaluate what leadership they WANT to direct and affect their attitude and lives.

Attitude has always reflected leadership. We are a nation founded on Judaeo-Christian principles with the emphasis on an individual’s freedom of religion. Regardless of our founding fathers political party or faith, they didn’t point to themselves as the be all end all. The first elected officials pointed our country to God’s divine leadership of our nation. They reminded us to look somewhere besides Washington for guidance.

Don’t believe that? Just read a small excerpt from the original Thanksgiving Proclamation written by George Washington in 1789. “Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor…” (full text below). Talk about politically incorrect. We have come so far as a nation but are we heading in the right direction? It’s time to vote for leadership in more ways than with a ballot.

I believe Jesus was the ultimate role model for leadership. His style can be seen in Mark 10:51, “What do you want me to do for you?” That question should still echo in the hearts of believers and all Americans. True leadership comes from the attitude of a servant’s heart. Leadership should be based on a love for those you are leading, not a disdain.

Can YOU answer His question? What DO you want from your leader? Don’t mistake the question to be “What do you need?” Too many people and politicians confuse wants and needs. The reality is most of us don’t think we NEED anything. That’s another topic completely. Most people believe they can take care of their own needs.

Is your leadership asking “what can I do for you?” Far too many leaders don’t pay attention to the difference between what you want them to do and what they think you need. If they were to ask the right question, what’s your answer. What DO you want your leadership to do for you? Maybe you want them to give you things or maybe you want them to change things. Better yet, can your leaders actually bring about change?

Change is a popular word right now. We want to change circumstances, change leadership, change direction, change churches, change other people. But, you have to be willing for change to start with you. You have to be willing to let your leadership change you. There is only one leader who can change your heart. There is only one leader who has your best interest at heart, one leader you can trust. And he’s not a Republican or a Democrat.


So, what was Christ’s attitude and leadership style? According to Paul, “he made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant….he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross.” Phil 2:6-8. If HE is your leader and your attitude reflects your leadership, you should stick out like a sore thumb. If everyone who claims to be led by Christ reflected His leadership then the world should be a radically different place.

Once you decide on the leadership you want, check your attitude and actions to see if the reflection represents your choice. Or should you decide what kind of attitude you want and choose your leadership based on their style and the reflection of his or her followers? Is it the chicken or the egg?

Either way, know that YOU also influence and lead others around you. Check out the attitudes of the people who follow you. More than likely their attitudes are reflecting you and your leadership. Do you like what you see?


In November we decide on the leadership for our country. We need to remember that our nation and our attitudes will reflect our leadership. We need our votes and our hearts to speak loudly and clearly. We need our lifestyle and actions to represent who leads our heart not just our nation.

We choose a President next month. The choice for who leads your life is today. Who IS leading your life and your heart? Make sure YOUR leader is asking the right questions. Be certain he or she has the right answers and will truly implement the change you desire.

Attitude reflects leadership. Who’s leadership is YOUR attitude reflecting…a Democrat, a Republican, or your God?
