Power Of Words

A flood is normally associated with water, but have you noticed the flood of words these days? There are more words in circulation today than ever before. If we could correlate the words being spewed on a daily basis to the pollen count, everyone should stay inside for a while.

There are more television channels with more programming full of more words than in the history of media. Political leaders and CEO’s make speeches that last longer. There are more books and blogs with words than in all recorded history. A lot of the words being used don’t seem to build up and encourage as much as they tear down and discourage.

As we all know, words are powerful. Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can kill and destroy. The power of words is not disputed and can not be changed. Amidst all the wars that exist, the war WITH words and ON words is raging.

If you want to know the origin and power of words, look no further than the 3rd verse in the first book of the Bible. “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.” Genesis 1:3. An omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God spoke creation into existence with words. He didn’t have to speak but He chose to use words and therefore showed us their power. He then chose to give man the same power of speech to use. Granted, there was something behind those words…and that’s just the point. Words mean something, words represent something. Words are powerful.

Just like the recipient of any gift, the question is what you do with the gift. What are YOU doing with this powerful gift you’ve been given?

I know what the world is doing with words. The world is opening the floodgates and increasing the supply. It is in the midst of this flood that words can lose their impact and YOUR attention. But can words lose their meaning…can their meaning actually change?

Wikipedia is a widely accepted source that is ever so slightly and constantly evolving the definition of a word. The new approach is that if you can change the meaning of a word you can lessen it’s power and effect by dilution. This can also increase the risk of using words effectively and efficiently. If the definition is in flux, maybe you can adapt the word and be a little less careful in what you say.

Sorry folks, don’t buy that one. “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken.” Matthew 12:36. Every one, huh? The letters in red can’t be misunderstood. This warning reminds us that the best economy is an economy of words. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don’t be careless with your words, you’re on video.

In a world where everyone is running off at the mouth it can be tough to listen and hear what is being said. The more words that are used can also make it difficult to understand and care what is actually being said. Amidst the rubble of an avalanche of words it can be tough to differentiate between the truth and a lie. Sometimes I wonder if that’s not part of the plan.

The number of words has increased like dollar bills in circulation. In turn, the number of words has been so inflated it can make those words less valuable. Less valuable for you to listen to also. Scarcity makes a thing more valuable. People confuse a decrease in perceived value with a loss of power and effect. This my friends, is illusion and perception, not reality. But, maybe this causes you to disengage in some conversations and speak less.

It is critical to remember that speech and words are gifts from God given only to those at the top of the food chain. Are you being a good steward of this gift? Are you using the gift for it’s intended purpose or have you forgotten why you were given the gift of words? Have you forgotten the intent and power of this gift?

Christians in particular can become passive with their words and remain quiet. You may not want to risk offending or being chastised for the belief behind your words. What happens next is you don’t share your faith, you don’t call out sin as sin, or speak up for what you know and believe. Don’t kid yourself, silence can be perceived as approval and acceptance. Be careful in what you say and what you don’t say.


Paul spoke to this dilemma in Ephesians 6:11-12, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them….But everything exposed by the light becomes visible,..” God wants people to take a stand for what He says is right. Christians must lovingly speak out for what is truth.

We are in a place and time that the world around us is flooded with noise and useless chatter. We are surrounded by voluminous words that are spoken with anger to hurt and wound. It is incumbent upon every believer to stand firm and speak out.

Don’t be a part of the flood, but don’t run from the battle. Our words carry weight. Our words can change and shape the world. Jesus said, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” John 15:7.

Our words are a powerful force given to us for a purpose. They also come with a promise. Use them appropriately.