Ch Ch Changes

Change. Change means surrendering the old and embracing the new. We’ve become accustomed to accepting change partly because it is inevitable. We even desire and need change. Our leaders champion change. David Bowie told us to “turn and face the strange, ch ch changes.” But is change always for the best? It depends on where change comes from, what we do with it and what it does to us.

We have talked about the SDR (basket of currencies) being an instrument that has been around for almost 45 years, but is only starting to change the monetary landscape and gain wider visibility. The majority of people don’t know or care about this change, even though they should. If I were to remind you of the changes in control of the internet more ears would perk up because it might impact your daily life.

So, let me remind you that starting October 1, the U.S. administration that has been controlling the internet since it’s inception (reference Al Gore) is being turned over to a new organization. This change will move control of the internet from a group in the United States to a group administered by the United Nations. This change in control and influence is reflective of many changes taking place, most of which are not garnering much press and attention from the average man and woman.

Where does a shift in control of the internet, which is so integral to our daily lives, even originate? Some might argue that socioeconomic and political change is a result of the adjustment to the control and flow of capital. You may find that a stretch, but entertain the idea. The massive changes taking place within the international monetary system could support that belief. In common language, money makes the world go around. It’s all about the Benjamins. The golden rule is whoever has the gold makes the rules. Change is and has been rampant in these areas if you will notice. If this theory is true, we should expect more changes that affect our everyday lives.

As we have talked about, people rarely discern whats going on and don’t care until it becomes flesh on their bones. If the flow of ideas and information is controlled isn’t your heart and mind affected? In less than two weeks the internet will be governed and controlled by a non-elected body that includes nations like China and Russia. Maybe now you should start to pay attention to changes in interest rates, currency values, reserve currencies and national deficits…maybe not.

Christians in particular need to remember the words of John in 1st John 5;19-20, “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.” Hhhhmmmm. The whole world under the control of the evil one?

It’s not popular or comforting to think that the whole world is under the control of the evil one is it? And it’s not popular to point out that man made institutions, sovereign nations and administrative bodies are representatives of the world, not God or his Son. Another thing to remember is that monetary institutions like the Fed (Federal Reserve), the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) exist and function to regulate and control the flow of money. And let’s never forget there is nothing more of this world than money.

Money is not bad, evil or wrong. Period. But as Jesus pointed out in Mark 12;16-17, money is of the world and represents worldly kingdoms, not heavenly kingdoms. “They brought the coin and he asked them, ‘Whose image is this? And whose inscription?’ ‘Caesar’s,’ they replied. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.'”

It is important to notice change, the type of change, where it comes from and therefore understand the intent and nature of the change. When you see changes in monetary policies (interest rate moves, abnormal currency fluctuations, ect..) whose intent is to control the flow of money, understand that’s just the beginning of changes that WILL affect you in some form or fashion. Yesterday’s monetary changes can be today’s political and internet changes. If this is true, what other changes are yet to manifest and hit the headlines?

As many changes take place around us we need to be aware of where it is coming from and the intent of the change we are seeing. Is your change coming from the world around you or from above? It’s a great time to take stock of your head and heart. How HAVE you changed, how do you WANT to change and how are world events changing you?

The seasons are changing. I’ve enjoyed the summer and fall is in the air. Winter is around the corner.