
It’s easy to ignore things you can’t see but it doesn’t make them any less real. Practicing the old adage, ‘out of sight out of mind’ is not only shallow, it is dangerous. Dealing with issues and questions that aren’t in your front yard requires attention, wisdom and discernment. Focusing on what you don’t see can take away from our mindless pursuit of leisure and recreation. BUT…If you wait for the unseen to become flesh on your bone, it may be more perilous….suddenly.

When we were kids in school we read about things we never saw. The Revolutionary War, taxation without representation and the Boston Tea Party. We heard about the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia on the evening news. We heard about students rioting for democracy in Tienanmen Square that led to a massacre. We didn’t see it but we knew it was real.

Suddenly, truckers in Canada lose access to their bank accounts but we haven’t seen it in America; yet. Widespread riots in France, Germany and Scotland have torn the countries apart but that’s on TV. Now, we hear about prison time in England for tweeting your thoughts. There is ample historical precedent for the sudden results that come if we wait quietly for what we cannot see.

America naively thinks it is separated and removed from the problems of the rest of the world. Americans have become prideful thinking they are protected living in a compound surrounded by two oceans and a moat of money. We have forgotten it is the God of Creation and Christian principles that have provided our freedoms. Christians rarely speak and stand up for HIS policies and principles…and the nation suffers.

Suddenly, suffering in America is becoming more widespread than before. Peter wrote a letter to remind Christ-followers they should not be surprised when life gets suddenly difficult. The Bible CONSTANTLY reminds us that we are in the thick of exactly what Jesus experienced.

Peter penned the words…’But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed….For it is time for judgement to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?’ 1 Peter 4:13-17. Christians and America are coming under His judgement.

The topic of seeing what is unseen has become popular and common. There is conversation from mainstream sources about aliens and more talk of the spirit world than anytime in my life. Possibly the most successful venture capitalist of our time, Peter Thiel, was recently speaking about travel at light speed and hypersonic weapons. He mentioned the practicality by referencing angels and demons.

There is ample Biblical evidence for the spiritual world becoming seen. When the unseen becomes seen, it happens suddenly. The birth of Jesus recounts ‘suddenly a multitude of angels’ appearing. In the Old Testament in the book of Daniel…’Suddenly, the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster on the wall…’ In Acts, Peter was freed from prison chains when ‘Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared…’ Search the word, suddenly, in the Bible and remember how commonly it appears in relation to things unseen becoming seen.

Today, Americans are being reminded about the origin of our country and it’s founding Christian principles because the landscape is changing…suddenly. Many Christians live in the world they have built for themselves and forget there is more than what we see. The modern American Christian is more comfortable living by sight and not faith.

The unseen spiritual world has no material limitations and is the basis for EVERYTHING we see. Ephesians 6:12…’For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’

To be clear, for the person who is more worldly than spiritual, the unseen is flat out scary and dangerous. The unseen can possess your thoughts and actions and make you a different person. The unseen and spiritual is not limited to space and time as we know it, therefore it is multidimensional. The unseen can appear suddenly, then disappear as quickly as it arrived. It does not respect physical walls and can travel from one place to another in an instant.

The unseen is being fleshed out as AI crosses the line from truthful answers to lies and deception. We have been lulled into thinking that data will lead us to the truth….the people we can see and vote for are more important than the unseen policies they promote. Our pride and hubris regarding the seen over the unseen WILL lead to sudden changes. Our nation has become overconfident in mitigating risk with the things we can see…like money, homes with security systems and a few weapons. There are unseen risks that carry greater calamity.

THE question we have to ask EVERY day of the week is….Do we focus on the seen at the expense of the unseen? This is a physical worldly question as well as a spiritual question.

Jesus will return suddenly, like a thief in the night. ‘While people are saying “Peace and safety”, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a woman…’ 1 Thess. 5:3.

Learn to see the unseen by believing what God teaches through the Old and New Testament. Get in the Book to see what’s coming next. Make sure you aren’t suddenly caught living only by what you can see.


When I was a kid in the 70’s, the word ‘cool’ was popular. Cool, was a general expression. Cool was an attitude, a mindset, a demeanor and a way of life. People were so drawn to using the word that it became associated with a period of time and the people who lived in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. When a word becomes so representative of a time and culture, it can take on a life of it’s own. I encourage you to start looking and listening for the new buzzword… ‘enough’.

A few months ago Nick Saban retired as Head Coach at the University of Alabama. The college football game had changed and Coach Saban lived out the new buzzword. In his own words… ‘I thought we could have a hell of a team next year, and then maybe 70 or 80 percent of the players you talk to, all they want to know is two things: What assurances do I have that I’m going to play, because they’re thinking about transferring and how much are you going to pay me?…So, I’m saying to myself, maybe this doesn’t work anymore.’ In simple terms, I’ve had enough.

Last week a Democratic State Senator in California joined the rallying cry. Senator Eggman announced she was switching political parties. Her words were straightforward… ‘I’m done…we have a moral responsibility to say enough, enough!…’ Start watching and you’re going to see this new buzzword spread like wildfire.

I’m not going to list the plethora of current events that might cause millions of people to start repeating Senator Eggman’s words. Be alert to the actions that accompany the attitude and mindset of ‘ENOUGH’. Actions can be more critical and impactful than the utterance of the word itself. Ask Alabama fans. When Coach Saban had enough, he simply walked away. Senator Eggman walked across the political aisle. Some people drop friendships and family, but the results are the same.

What makes each of us reach our limits and say ‘enough’ varies from person to person. Too often people will turn their heads and ignore their responsibilities (even moral responsibilities) until it becomes flesh on their bone. When a situation finally comes home and effects you, your family, your reputation, bank account or the business you’ve built, THEN, it may be enough. Have YOU reached the point of ‘enough’ with anything lately?

I pose the question, “Does God ever say ‘enough’. What does it take to get Him to this point and what does it look like when He says, ‘enough’?” Anybody remember the flood? The metropolis of Sodom or Gomorrah? The Tower of Babel? The God of the Old Testament hasn’t gone anywhere.

Peter reminds us that with the Lord ‘a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day….but the day of the Lord will come like a thief.’ Is mankind altering ourselves and the world God created beyond what the Creator will tolerate? Are current activities enough to warrant God’s direct intervention? Remember, when enough is enough things happen quickly and unexpectedly.

Elon Musk is pushing ahead with brain chips to be implanted in people and AI will turn us into something different than God created. Musk recently said “We are entering a time where humans may be able to work as a hobby but AI supplants mankind in all endeavors…If the computer and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning? I do think there’s a role for humans in this…in that we may give AI meaning.’….Is God’s plan for mankind to give AI meaning or worship Him? Does this make God say ‘Enough’?

The entire Creation is being subjected to radical change. Solar geo-engineering is utilizing high altitude chemical infusions to cool the Earth and block the sun (In other words, to alter the weather and the climate…which God historically claims as HIS domain). From genetically modified mosquitos to self-assembling nanotechnology being injected into humans via mRNA vaccines, the Creation is being re-created. By altering the human creation and our physical world, men and women are attempting to change WHAT God created AND the purpose for His creations. Is this enough to hear God roar from Heaven?

Revelation 10:3 documents Jesus returning to Earth and speaking with emphasis. It’s interesting to read the words in several translations…

-the NIV says ‘…and He gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion.’

-KJ21 says ‘…and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth.’

-CSB says ‘…and he called out with a loud voice like a roaring lion.’

-NET says ‘Then he shouted in a loud voice like a lion roaring.’

Christ speaks loudly, emphatically, powerfully and with emphasis so that everyone can hear. This is only my speculation so I’m not adding or taking away anything written in the book, but…. I wonder if the world is going to hear the Creator shout ‘ENOUGH!!’

I encourage us all to look in the mirror, listen to our own words as well as the words and actions of others. Will Christ followers stand up and shout or will they be counted as the cowards spoken about in Revelation 21:8, choosing to be fearful of being cancelled or disliked?Will the Creator allow AI to be the new Tower of Babel? What does it take to hear and see Christians live out their professed beliefs?

ENOUGH is the new buzzword. It will become a mindset, an attitude and demeanor? Stay tuned.

Defining The Narrative

What used to be known as an agenda or an ideology is now referred to as a narrative. Everywhere you turn people are talking about defining and maintaining a narrative. It sounds much better than ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’ but it’s not very different. Give me a minute to make the case. It is critical to remember all narratives which are not Biblically based should be questioned and most likely rejected or redefined.

Defining the narrative has always been a cornerstone for power and control. ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ Immediately, God set the narrative by clearly speaking everything into existence and defined that man could eat freely from any tree in the garden except for one. Mankind came under attack as the evil one tried to redefine God’s narrative by questioning what God had actually spoken to Adam and Eve. Satan has been trying to redefine God’s narrative ever since.

Today narratives are being redefined from the seemingly harmless to the damning. Pharma redefines the narrative for acceptable cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar levels to sell their drugs. DEI redefines diversity and inclusion with the purpose of excluding people they want to marginalize. What constitutes a man and a woman is redefined and bathrooms are no longer a safe place. A secure border is redefined as a daily acceptable number of illegals passing freely. This past weekend NORAD defined the most recent ‘spy’ balloon floating over military installations in the Midwest as ‘most likely a hobby balloon.’ No narrative is safe.

Everyone is defining their own narrative for control…and profit. If you think I’m wrong, try to remember the World Health Organization (WHO) defined when the pandemic began so they didn’t have to pay off $500mm in pandemic bonds. A guy named Fauci defined the origin of a virus to hide and benefit his financial connection with certain labs and research. Pharma redefined the narrative of what constitutes a vaccine so they could sell a shot to change your MRNA . There is profit behind defining most of the narratives today. The god of money is THE master and god of this world. The Bible reminds us, ‘No one can serve two masters…You cannot serve both God and Money.’ Matthew 6:24.

Some of us may consider this topic esoteric and boring. Some of us may simply not care or believe there is NO danger behind accepting any narrative they desire or propose. I beg to differ. Defining and pursuing a non-Biblical narrative makes one a friend of the world and puts you at enmity with God. ‘…don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.’ James 4:4.

We all know Wikipedia represents a continual free flowing work in progress. Words and narratives are defined depending on the input from various sources. In other words, the desired narrative can be sculpted to fit. Contrary to the Bible. The Bible represents a narrative defined by ONE divine being more than 2000 years ago and it never changes. Of course, these days pastors and Popes ARE trying to redefine some of this as well.

What one generation tolerates, the next generation accepts. Americans are now accepting many new narratives that have been redefined. Narratives like when the country was founded, the National Anthem and a general idea what the Founding Fathers physically looked like. The Super Bowl was evidence there are 2-3 anthems/narratives you can now choose from. And, don’t bother looking anything up on line to support or define your narrative. Last week Google revealed to the world they have chosen to redefine whatever narrative they desire by using their new AI (artificial intelligence) program, Gemini.

If you haven’t seen or heard, Google has gone full woke. The Vikings from Scandinavia now sport a narrative they were people of color. George Washington resembles the people enslaved from Africa and if you’re looking for video clips of riots and looting, it only involves fair skinned racists. ANYONE believing THEIR defined narrative should be accepted needs to wake up. All worldly narratives should now be questioned.

To keep it simple, narratives are either of this world or Biblically based. Period. Christians need to determine whether theirs or any narrative is supported by God’s Word before they define it and expect others to accept it. Biblically based narratives will always put people before profit and loving others as you love yourself. Since Christ followers have the Holy Spirit we can skip a legalistic list and just repeat what James put bluntly. ‘If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.’ James 4:17.

The world is trying to redefine Biblical narratives in every aspect of our daily lives. We can either tolerate the new narratives or reject them. I encourage each of us to inspect everything we are presented with a discipline that uses the Word of God as the only basis to define the narratives in your life.

He Gets Us…Do We Get Him?

Relationships are the foundation of human existence and the bedrock on which we we build our families and society. Relationships are a two way street where both parties not only ‘get’ each other but they ‘know’ each other. A recent Super Bowl advertisement led with the statement, He Gets Us. After watching this ad numerous times I’m pretty sure the next campaign should be, Do We Get Him?

The brunt of every advertisement is to sell a product or point of view. In this case, I’m not sure what the ad was selling but I know it was misleading and confusing. ‘He Gets Us’ is presented with the assumption the advertisement represents Jesus and His teachings on accepting people. If this is true, I think they could/should have chosen the more predominate theme of Jesus accepting people…their repentance.

If WE want to ‘get’ Jesus, of which this entire campaign and theme neglects, there is one place to get Him, the Bible. If we go with the belief Jesus was the Son of God and reflects both the Old and New Testaments, there are even more places to ‘get’ Him. There is NO doubt about the confusion and conflict in our world today and there is no doubt Jesus and the Bible have the answers. It is imperative WE get Him.

When the world becomes destabilized and your life presents questions you can’t answer, turn to the Bible. The Old Testament book of Job tells the story of a man seeking answers to the conflict and confusion in his life. Job questions why his life is the way it is. Many of the people and scenes depicted in the ‘He Gets Us’ ad campaign reflect folks who don’t understand the reasons behind their suffering. The ad does not point these people to the Bible but they share a commonality with the story of Job. Behind the calamities for Job and the scenes in the ad campaign, there lies a spiritual battle raging between God and the devil, good and evil, truth and lies. To understand and gain clarity of events in the world, we need to ‘get Him’.

Job’s friends presented a campaign to help him understand the chaos in his life and ‘get’ God. Their campaign led with the fact that knowing and getting God is THE key to understanding your life. Take the time to read Job 36:5-12 for yourself. Let me summarize, God is mighty, He despises no one; He understands all people and things, but…He tells us to first repent from iniquity, arrogance, sin and pride. This primary message was left out of the advertisement.

Repentance is to feel or express sincere regret or remorse about your wrongdoings and sin. Many of the scenes in the campaign ‘He Gets Us’ show people making choices and living lives antithetical to God’s teachings in the Bible…abortion, sexual perversions, stealing, ect… Another example that He gets us but we don’t really get Him.

In an earlier chapter, Job’s friends asked him about the importance of repenting. ‘Suppose a man says to God, “I am guilty but will offend no more. Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong I will not do so again.” Should God then reward you on your terms when you refuse to repent?’ Job 34:31-33.

Job’s answer sums up what is lacking in this ad and often times in the church. “‘My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.'” Job 46:5-6. He gets us but do we really get Him?

Some may say this represents the God of the Old Testament and Jesus is the New Testament. In fact, this ad stresses that ‘Jesus didn’t teach hate.’ To ‘get’ Jesus, let’s focus on what He DID teach.

When Jesus began His ministry, His first words in Matthew were ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.’ In the book of Mark, ‘The time has come, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.’ In Luke, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance….But unless you repent, you too will all perish.’

This recent advertising focuses on people forgiving others as Christ forgave us. Jesus told His followers the same but with a caveat left out of the campaign. ‘If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, “I repent,” forgive him.’ Luke 17:3. Calling sin out doesn’t make a Super Bowl ad campaign. Repentance isn’t a popular feel good message either but it is a key teaching in order to ‘get Him’.

This advertising campaign is a reminder much of our culture has invaded the church and is confusing the full gospel, the full teachings of Jesus. Therefore, many want to focus on the warm, fuzzy, flowing haired Jesus so often presented with the tagline, He Gets Us. More important is the question, Do We Get Him? The culture advertises the fallacy there are numerous ways to get to heaven and any message is better than none. Jesus did not teach this.

Like the Super Bowl, Peter reminds us the clock is ticking and time does run out…and repentance is THE key to eternity. ‘Do not forget this one thing. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day…He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’ 2 peter 3:8-9. We all have a limited time to play the game of life…and repent.

The last book in the Bible drills home the message Jesus delivered His entire life. Revelation 2:5,16,21,22….Keep reading, He repeats it ad nauseam….REPENT.

The latest He Gets Us campaign is a reminder it is more important that We Get Him. ‘What He Really Gets About Us’ is in the Book not in a TV advertisement. Read it and make up your own mind.

Misconceptions And The Elite

Misconceptions abound everywhere. By definition a misconception is a mistaken thought, a misunderstanding, a false opinion. I would say if you believe a misconception you are believing a lie. We are swimming in a sea of misconceptions in 2024.

As a young adult, one of the earliest misconceptions I had was believing the world was run by a group of the best and the brightest. I know, kinda makes you shake your head to even read about my naivete back then, but I think it’s a popular misconception shared by millions of folks when they’re young. The good news is, it doesn’t take long to learn the people in positions of authority, the elite, the leaders in our society, businesses and government are anything but an example of the cream rising to the top. Or, maybe they are.

When you hear ‘the cream rises to the top’, it pays to remember cream rises to the top because it has the highest fat content that makes it separate. The fat that rises to the top may be suited to a cafe’ latte but it doesn’t make an elite class worthy to run business and government. Our current elites seem to better resemble this fat than the best and brightest. If you still have faith in the elite class running America, I’m afraid you’re buying into one of the oldest misconceptions around.

The first misconception on record stems from the king of lies in the book of Genesis. Satan planted the mistaken thought about what the Creator had spoken and the torrent of misconceptions began. The fact Adam and Eve didn’t question a talking snake shows how easy it is to buy into a misconception. The elites in that day led the people to build a great tower, later known as the Tower of Babel. We read what happened there. In 2024, the American cultural and governing elite are building a similar fiasco.

In January, the US Treasury revealed our nation’s elite have flooded the national balance sheet with total debt of more than $34 TRILLION. For context, this debt increased $1 trillion in the past 3 months, $2 trillion in the past 6 months and $4 trillion in the past year. The current interest expense alone is $1.1 trillion. That’s $250 BILLION more than the Defense Budget, $250 BILLION more than spending on Medicare and will surpass the $1.35 TRILLION spending on Social Security THIS year, becoming the single biggest outlay. It’s a misconception this tower won’t fall as well.

In America, our elite resemble doddering politicians and narcissistic old men and women. This past week the governing and corporate elite from around the world gathered in Davos. The agenda for these elites included population control, the next pandemic with Disease X and their scheme to roll out a new digital currency. Is it a misconception the world will fall in line and follow the plans of these elite?

A few months ago the elite leading the FBI identified Catholics at the top of the list of troublemakers. Last week the journalistic elite tried to spread the misconception that white evangelical Christians were the next group of dangerous and subversive people to watch. Academic elites have been targeting Jews since Hamas started murdering women and children inside Israel more than 3 months ago. One thing is certain, the root of the original misconception was centered on people’s faith and belief in the Creator of the world. In America, the elites are still advocating the same misconception.

The actions of so many in elite positions of power and leadership make it apparent our world is not being led by the best and the brightest. It is a misconception our corporations are being run for shareholders when DEI and sexual re-education trumps profit. It is a misconception the border is secure when millions of illegals walk across, pick up a prepaid Visa card and catch a bus or flight into the heartland. It is a misconception things will go back to the way they were. It is a fallacy to think this won’t end badly.

By definition, ‘elite’ defines the choice part and best of a class. The word has become adopted by men and women to be synonymous with a group of people considered to be superior to others because of their intelligence, wealth and social standing. Today, many consider themselves part of the elite. 2000 years ago, Jesus KNEW He was elite but that’s about where the similarities end. Christ didn’t consider His elite status, His ‘equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant…he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death-…’ Phil. 2:6-8.

God set the example for us of what a true elite SHOULD be. When He created mankind He gave of Himself and created us in His own image. When God sent his Son, Jesus lived out the true elitist mentality of what’s mine is yours. Jesus spent Himself for others, gave everything He had in life and death. The Holy Spirit continues to share what belongs to God with anyone who follows and is loyal. The model for elites is to be Christ-like and live out the God given mantra of sharing, what’s mine is yours.

Christ came to correct the misconceptions purported by the elite of that age. “‘Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.'” Matthew 10:34. To postulate or encourage a misconception is evil, wrong and sinful. ‘The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.’ 1 John 3:8. Before He returns, some elite need to look in the mirror.

We WILL see God step back into time again. God gave mankind the elite job and privilege of ruling His creation, but His idea of leadership doesn’t appear to be in vogue right now. GOD’S elite focus on sharing what’s been given to them, not taking for themselves. ‘Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others.’ This makes a leader truly elite and worth following. This elitism rewards us all.

So, WHY should the elite leaders in our world follow God’s Word and not what THEY believe is best? If for no other reason, fear. The Bible constantly reminds us that our Creator is a jealous God capable of wrath and punishment when He deems necessary. He eternally rewards those who lead with His love for others. In the next age, the paradigm seems to shift away from the current slate of elite leaders we now see. “‘But many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first.'” Matthew 19:30.

I’ll close with a convicting reminder to the elite and the common. Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities. Just as those elite in positions of wealth and power are inclined to see their gifts as God’s acquiescence to whatever they deem best for others, that could be a misconception as well. One of the wisest elites to ever live reminded us ‘the race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to all.’ Ecclesiastes 9:11.

This is a stark reminder to each of us. We all know men and women are created equally but we have been gifted differently. The talents and gifts we have are not equal to each other. Our rewards and punishment will not be equal as well. Lead and live accordingly.

‘From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.’ Luke 12:48.