Love Is Blind

Back in the day, we were taught there are 5 senses. Sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. These senses send information to our brains and equip us to perceive and understand the world we live in. Our senses help us to enjoy the world God created and also to protect ourselves from dangers in the world.

When someone ‘takes leave of their senses’ it means they lose good judgement and are no longer able to think or act rationally. We know life is more difficult WITHOUT our senses but today we are reminded about the dangers when these senses get lost. While many around us act as though they have lost their senses, what happens when this becomes a permanent condition? What happens when mass numbers of people go blind?

The fires in California are the latest to expose how many have lost their senses. Political leaders are in the crosshairs, but the people of California share in the responsibility. Everyone could see the empty reservoirs. No one smelled fire from what should have been regular controlled burns. All Californians could hear and see legislation passed to fund protective fire services but the money was never touched because it was re-allocated to other countries around the world. The National Weather Service issued a written and spoken fire warning on January 2 that was palpable, but it fell on deaf ears. Where have our senses gone?

The Bible reminds us in James that when we pursue and make friends of the world it makes us an ENEMY of God. I’d suggest California and much of the United States has left friendship waaay behind. We have flat out fallen in love with the world and are in danger of God’s wrath. And everyone knows, love is blind.

We blindly send billions of our tax dollars to foreign countries to pay for their benefits and retirement while the homeless sleep under our bridges. Our leaders turn a deaf ear to protecting our citizens and punishing those who steal from and kill Americans. Citizens talk about the injustices but no one feels the consequences for evil actions. In other words, deaf, dumb AND blind.

It’s plain to see our borders haven’t been protected. Our hospital and housing infrastructure is overwhelmed and crumbling under the stress of the influx. Much of the national infrastructure has been left unprotected and refineries burn, bridges are destroyed, communities lose clean water. The land is permanently polluted when trains are derailed with toxic chemicals. Have we ignored our senses and no longer see the evil spreading across the nation?

Protecting your own people comes first…this is Biblical. Jesus protected His own first and foremost. Christ prayed to God about his people and said ‘ “…the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” ‘ The bottom line issue in protection is knowing who and what to protect against.

Many of the decisions made by politicians and everyday folks center on loving things of the world, benefiting themselves and putting profit ahead of people. The Bible speaks about people whose ‘idols are silver and gold made by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. They have hands but cannot feel….nor can they utter a sound with their throats.’ Psalm 115:4-7. In other words, their senses have been lost.

America WAS founded on Judaeo-Christian principles. The Founding Fathers recognized and credited the God of Creation in our Constitution and on numerous Federal Government buildings. They declared National holidays as times to thank God and seek divine protection. Since then, we have taken God out of our homes, schools and government. In the resulting vacuum, people have lost their senses and fallen blindly in love with the world. The One who has protected us since 1776, not 1619, has been relegated to second chair. As we slouch towards Gomorrah, we’ve seen evil and the evil one tolerated and accepted.

Jesus put it bluntly… “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.” Luke 12:4-5. There is an evil one and HE causes people to lose their senses. The evil one is in the world and can take your senses captive to do his will.

It can be frustrating when we aren’t united in seeing what is going on in America. Christians can be even more frustrated when people ignore, reject and oppose what God teaches in the Bible. Nevertheless, ‘The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome, but must be kind to everyone…opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.’ 2 Timothy 2:24-26.

The fires are just getting started. Christ followers must lead the way to regain our senses and His protection. With the evil one empowering those in love with the world, we need real protection not just investments and hedges. Long ago the prophets wrote about the depth and scope of God’s protection. ‘You will not leave in haste or go in flight, for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard.’ Isaiah 52:12. In other words, if you submit and follow the God of Creation, He has your back, He walks beside you and He’s going ahead of you to protect you. That’s not an insurance policy. This is a promise from God.

Take it from a man just like us. ‘The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.’ Psalm 18:2. Currencies WILL rise and fall. Get ready, they also WILL default. When bitcoin drops in half you will need real protection. When a sleeper cell shows up in your city, there is only one shield of protection.

Most Americans know OF God and his son, Jesus, but they don’t KNOW Him. It’s hard to fully trust who and what you don’t know. I get it, but Peter reminds us God IS a protector. ‘If he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah…and seven others…if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly…..if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials….’ 2 Peter 2:5-9. He has an impeccable track record much longer than bitcoin.

The Bible tells us there is a time coming when the fires really start burning and destroying more than Los Angeles. At this time, God’s messenger says…. ‘Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.’ Revelation 7:3. Hear this reminder and think back to blood over the doorways in Egypt when God protected the Jews.

Love IS blind. Make sure who and what you love can protect you through the days to come.

Aliens, Foreigners, Strangers

We live surrounded by aliens, foreigners and strangers…and we always have. Aliens do not simply fly UFO’s and UAP’s, they live among us. Aliens are foreigners from another land. Aliens are not naturalized citizens of the country in which they live. A foreigner does not belong to a particular place or group. In other words, aliens and foreigners are strangers and outsiders.

We ALL share a heritage of being strangers in a foreign land. Americans take pride in the fact we are a nation of converted aliens and foreigners. We are immigrants united by our citizenship in the United States of America. Citizenship is what defines us as Americans and as a people.

The fabric of our United States is constructed and strengthened by aliens, foreigners and strangers who submit to a process and become American citizens by choice. The choice of citizenship is what unites our disparate backgrounds. Citizenship is a legal and covenantal relationship that entails rights and duties. The past few years have seen an increased effort to dilute the unity of our nation by circumventing the legal process and covenants that make us citizens of a United States. When the legal process and rule of law is not enforced the covenant we make as citizens is broken.

This past week our nation celebrated Thanksgiving as a national holiday. The original Thanksgiving proclamation is a reminder the founding fathers of America recognized the need for our covenant with the Judeo-Christian God of Creation. It is our citizenship as Americans and our covenant with God that is in the eye of the storm.

America was founded to regain God-given freedoms that had been usurped by the oppression of kings and queens. Where politically organized communities and territories were previously known as kingdoms with monarchical forms of government, our founding fathers chose a republic form of governing. The freedom to choose our own leadership made the term ‘kingdom’ fade away. The sovereignty of leadership changed and evolved but the reality of a kingdom did not go away.

The Bible teaches there are two distinct kingdoms. The earthly kingdom and a heavenly kingdom. A kingdom of man and the Kingdom of God, the Creator of man and earth. The knowledge of a creation and a Creator is ground zero to understand everything that followed. The Bible reminds us that God created the heavens and the earth where there was previously a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness. This planet was a prison, a dark place where Lucifer had been cast from the presence of God. When God decided to create man and woman in His own image, He made us as aliens, foreigners and strangers exiled on this planet.

The reality of being an alien has been planted in the hearts and minds of all people. In the book of Genesis, God chose people to be citizens of His Kingdom. He made His people, His citizens to be aliens and foreigners and strangers in the world. God told these people they would be ‘strangers in a country not their own…enslaved and mistreated there.’

After thousands of years, the New Testament continued this teaching about God’s people and the choice we have to become God’s people. Peter addressed his letter to Christ followers… ‘To God’s elect, strangers in the world..’ The 11th chapter of Hebrews is a roll call of God’s people known as the Hall of Faith. Many are listed as the stalwarts of faith, citizens of the heavenly Kingdom of God. The writer confirms these citizens ‘admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.’

God made sure His people knew they are exiles on this planet. He gave instructions on how to deal with foreigners and aliens…AND how to LIVE as one. The Old Testament says point blank, ‘Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.’ The New Testament reminds us ‘..I urge you, as foreigners and exiles…Live such good lives among the pagans that…they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us.’

Since the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, our founders made a covenant with the nation to rule by these principles. Have we always fulfilled that covenant? No. But, when we fail, we have confessed our failures and tried to right the wrongs. Because of this, our laws have provided more freedoms and less oppression than anywhere on the planet. The United States is based on laws where citizenship requires rights and duties and prohibits purposeful wrongs and discrimination. When these rights are given away but the duties are not required, the covenant is broken and the country suffers. Welcome to 2024.

Re-read the Proclamation of Thanksgiving written by George Washington, the first elected President of the United States. Americans have forgotten our recognition of and dependence on God is what made our nation great. This submission to Judeo-Christian principles has given us the freedom and opportunity to CHOOSE a citizenship in Heaven as well as America.

Citizenship is what matters. Citizenship is a choice to submit to a legal covenantal process and authority that will govern your life. Citizenship defines who we are in our heads and hearts. In the book of Philippians, Paul reminds Christ followers they can be confident and take refuge knowing ‘our citizenship is in heaven.’

Earthly kingdoms rise and fall. Political parties change their stripes. Our citizenship is defined in our hearts where our loyalties and submission comes from. Where is your citizenship??


It’s easy to ignore things you can’t see but it doesn’t make them any less real. Practicing the old adage, ‘out of sight out of mind’ is not only shallow, it is dangerous. Dealing with issues and questions that aren’t in your front yard requires attention, wisdom and discernment. Focusing on what you don’t see can take away from our mindless pursuit of leisure and recreation. BUT…If you wait for the unseen to become flesh on your bone, it may be more perilous….suddenly.

When we were kids in school we read about things we never saw. The Revolutionary War, taxation without representation and the Boston Tea Party. We heard about the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia on the evening news. We heard about students rioting for democracy in Tienanmen Square that led to a massacre. We didn’t see it but we knew it was real.

Suddenly, truckers in Canada lose access to their bank accounts but we haven’t seen it in America; yet. Widespread riots in France, Germany and Scotland have torn the countries apart but that’s on TV. Now, we hear about prison time in England for tweeting your thoughts. There is ample historical precedent for the sudden results that come if we wait quietly for what we cannot see.

America naively thinks it is separated and removed from the problems of the rest of the world. Americans have become prideful thinking they are protected living in a compound surrounded by two oceans and a moat of money. We have forgotten it is the God of Creation and Christian principles that have provided our freedoms. Christians rarely speak and stand up for HIS policies and principles…and the nation suffers.

Suddenly, suffering in America is becoming more widespread than before. Peter wrote a letter to remind Christ-followers they should not be surprised when life gets suddenly difficult. The Bible CONSTANTLY reminds us that we are in the thick of exactly what Jesus experienced.

Peter penned the words…’But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed….For it is time for judgement to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?’ 1 Peter 4:13-17. Christians and America are coming under His judgement.

The topic of seeing what is unseen has become popular and common. There is conversation from mainstream sources about aliens and more talk of the spirit world than anytime in my life. Possibly the most successful venture capitalist of our time, Peter Thiel, was recently speaking about travel at light speed and hypersonic weapons. He mentioned the practicality by referencing angels and demons.

There is ample Biblical evidence for the spiritual world becoming seen. When the unseen becomes seen, it happens suddenly. The birth of Jesus recounts ‘suddenly a multitude of angels’ appearing. In the Old Testament in the book of Daniel…’Suddenly, the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster on the wall…’ In Acts, Peter was freed from prison chains when ‘Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared…’ Search the word, suddenly, in the Bible and remember how commonly it appears in relation to things unseen becoming seen.

Today, Americans are being reminded about the origin of our country and it’s founding Christian principles because the landscape is changing…suddenly. Many Christians live in the world they have built for themselves and forget there is more than what we see. The modern American Christian is more comfortable living by sight and not faith.

The unseen spiritual world has no material limitations and is the basis for EVERYTHING we see. Ephesians 6:12…’For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’

To be clear, for the person who is more worldly than spiritual, the unseen is flat out scary and dangerous. The unseen can possess your thoughts and actions and make you a different person. The unseen and spiritual is not limited to space and time as we know it, therefore it is multidimensional. The unseen can appear suddenly, then disappear as quickly as it arrived. It does not respect physical walls and can travel from one place to another in an instant.

The unseen is being fleshed out as AI crosses the line from truthful answers to lies and deception. We have been lulled into thinking that data will lead us to the truth….the people we can see and vote for are more important than the unseen policies they promote. Our pride and hubris regarding the seen over the unseen WILL lead to sudden changes. Our nation has become overconfident in mitigating risk with the things we can see…like money, homes with security systems and a few weapons. There are unseen risks that carry greater calamity.

THE question we have to ask EVERY day of the week is….Do we focus on the seen at the expense of the unseen? This is a physical worldly question as well as a spiritual question.

Jesus will return suddenly, like a thief in the night. ‘While people are saying “Peace and safety”, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a woman…’ 1 Thess. 5:3.

Learn to see the unseen by believing what God teaches through the Old and New Testament. Get in the Book to see what’s coming next. Make sure you aren’t suddenly caught living only by what you can see.


When I was a kid in the 70’s, the word ‘cool’ was popular. Cool, was a general expression. Cool was an attitude, a mindset, a demeanor and a way of life. People were so drawn to using the word that it became associated with a period of time and the people who lived in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. When a word becomes so representative of a time and culture, it can take on a life of it’s own. I encourage you to start looking and listening for the new buzzword… ‘enough’.

A few months ago Nick Saban retired as Head Coach at the University of Alabama. The college football game had changed and Coach Saban lived out the new buzzword. In his own words… ‘I thought we could have a hell of a team next year, and then maybe 70 or 80 percent of the players you talk to, all they want to know is two things: What assurances do I have that I’m going to play, because they’re thinking about transferring and how much are you going to pay me?…So, I’m saying to myself, maybe this doesn’t work anymore.’ In simple terms, I’ve had enough.

Last week a Democratic State Senator in California joined the rallying cry. Senator Eggman announced she was switching political parties. Her words were straightforward… ‘I’m done…we have a moral responsibility to say enough, enough!…’ Start watching and you’re going to see this new buzzword spread like wildfire.

I’m not going to list the plethora of current events that might cause millions of people to start repeating Senator Eggman’s words. Be alert to the actions that accompany the attitude and mindset of ‘ENOUGH’. Actions can be more critical and impactful than the utterance of the word itself. Ask Alabama fans. When Coach Saban had enough, he simply walked away. Senator Eggman walked across the political aisle. Some people drop friendships and family, but the results are the same.

What makes each of us reach our limits and say ‘enough’ varies from person to person. Too often people will turn their heads and ignore their responsibilities (even moral responsibilities) until it becomes flesh on their bone. When a situation finally comes home and effects you, your family, your reputation, bank account or the business you’ve built, THEN, it may be enough. Have YOU reached the point of ‘enough’ with anything lately?

I pose the question, “Does God ever say ‘enough’. What does it take to get Him to this point and what does it look like when He says, ‘enough’?” Anybody remember the flood? The metropolis of Sodom or Gomorrah? The Tower of Babel? The God of the Old Testament hasn’t gone anywhere.

Peter reminds us that with the Lord ‘a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day….but the day of the Lord will come like a thief.’ Is mankind altering ourselves and the world God created beyond what the Creator will tolerate? Are current activities enough to warrant God’s direct intervention? Remember, when enough is enough things happen quickly and unexpectedly.

Elon Musk is pushing ahead with brain chips to be implanted in people and AI will turn us into something different than God created. Musk recently said “We are entering a time where humans may be able to work as a hobby but AI supplants mankind in all endeavors…If the computer and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning? I do think there’s a role for humans in this…in that we may give AI meaning.’….Is God’s plan for mankind to give AI meaning or worship Him? Does this make God say ‘Enough’?

The entire Creation is being subjected to radical change. Solar geo-engineering is utilizing high altitude chemical infusions to cool the Earth and block the sun (In other words, to alter the weather and the climate…which God historically claims as HIS domain). From genetically modified mosquitos to self-assembling nanotechnology being injected into humans via mRNA vaccines, the Creation is being re-created. By altering the human creation and our physical world, men and women are attempting to change WHAT God created AND the purpose for His creations. Is this enough to hear God roar from Heaven?

Revelation 10:3 documents Jesus returning to Earth and speaking with emphasis. It’s interesting to read the words in several translations…

-the NIV says ‘…and He gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion.’

-KJ21 says ‘…and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth.’

-CSB says ‘…and he called out with a loud voice like a roaring lion.’

-NET says ‘Then he shouted in a loud voice like a lion roaring.’

Christ speaks loudly, emphatically, powerfully and with emphasis so that everyone can hear. This is only my speculation so I’m not adding or taking away anything written in the book, but…. I wonder if the world is going to hear the Creator shout ‘ENOUGH!!’

I encourage us all to look in the mirror, listen to our own words as well as the words and actions of others. Will Christ followers stand up and shout or will they be counted as the cowards spoken about in Revelation 21:8, choosing to be fearful of being cancelled or disliked?Will the Creator allow AI to be the new Tower of Babel? What does it take to hear and see Christians live out their professed beliefs?

ENOUGH is the new buzzword. It will become a mindset, an attitude and demeanor? Stay tuned.

Defining The Narrative

What used to be known as an agenda or an ideology is now referred to as a narrative. Everywhere you turn people are talking about defining and maintaining a narrative. It sounds much better than ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’ but it’s not very different. Give me a minute to make the case. It is critical to remember all narratives which are not Biblically based should be questioned and most likely rejected or redefined.

Defining the narrative has always been a cornerstone for power and control. ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ Immediately, God set the narrative by clearly speaking everything into existence and defined that man could eat freely from any tree in the garden except for one. Mankind came under attack as the evil one tried to redefine God’s narrative by questioning what God had actually spoken to Adam and Eve. Satan has been trying to redefine God’s narrative ever since.

Today narratives are being redefined from the seemingly harmless to the damning. Pharma redefines the narrative for acceptable cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar levels to sell their drugs. DEI redefines diversity and inclusion with the purpose of excluding people they want to marginalize. What constitutes a man and a woman is redefined and bathrooms are no longer a safe place. A secure border is redefined as a daily acceptable number of illegals passing freely. This past weekend NORAD defined the most recent ‘spy’ balloon floating over military installations in the Midwest as ‘most likely a hobby balloon.’ No narrative is safe.

Everyone is defining their own narrative for control…and profit. If you think I’m wrong, try to remember the World Health Organization (WHO) defined when the pandemic began so they didn’t have to pay off $500mm in pandemic bonds. A guy named Fauci defined the origin of a virus to hide and benefit his financial connection with certain labs and research. Pharma redefined the narrative of what constitutes a vaccine so they could sell a shot to change your MRNA . There is profit behind defining most of the narratives today. The god of money is THE master and god of this world. The Bible reminds us, ‘No one can serve two masters…You cannot serve both God and Money.’ Matthew 6:24.

Some of us may consider this topic esoteric and boring. Some of us may simply not care or believe there is NO danger behind accepting any narrative they desire or propose. I beg to differ. Defining and pursuing a non-Biblical narrative makes one a friend of the world and puts you at enmity with God. ‘…don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.’ James 4:4.

We all know Wikipedia represents a continual free flowing work in progress. Words and narratives are defined depending on the input from various sources. In other words, the desired narrative can be sculpted to fit. Contrary to the Bible. The Bible represents a narrative defined by ONE divine being more than 2000 years ago and it never changes. Of course, these days pastors and Popes ARE trying to redefine some of this as well.

What one generation tolerates, the next generation accepts. Americans are now accepting many new narratives that have been redefined. Narratives like when the country was founded, the National Anthem and a general idea what the Founding Fathers physically looked like. The Super Bowl was evidence there are 2-3 anthems/narratives you can now choose from. And, don’t bother looking anything up on line to support or define your narrative. Last week Google revealed to the world they have chosen to redefine whatever narrative they desire by using their new AI (artificial intelligence) program, Gemini.

If you haven’t seen or heard, Google has gone full woke. The Vikings from Scandinavia now sport a narrative they were people of color. George Washington resembles the people enslaved from Africa and if you’re looking for video clips of riots and looting, it only involves fair skinned racists. ANYONE believing THEIR defined narrative should be accepted needs to wake up. All worldly narratives should now be questioned.

To keep it simple, narratives are either of this world or Biblically based. Period. Christians need to determine whether theirs or any narrative is supported by God’s Word before they define it and expect others to accept it. Biblically based narratives will always put people before profit and loving others as you love yourself. Since Christ followers have the Holy Spirit we can skip a legalistic list and just repeat what James put bluntly. ‘If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.’ James 4:17.

The world is trying to redefine Biblical narratives in every aspect of our daily lives. We can either tolerate the new narratives or reject them. I encourage each of us to inspect everything we are presented with a discipline that uses the Word of God as the only basis to define the narratives in your life.